गहरी नींद में सो रहे लोगों को तेज आवाज में जगाने से हो सकती है ब्रेन की समस्या

गहरी नींद में सो रहे लोगों को तेज आवाज में जगाने से हो सकती है ब्रेन की समस्या Source link

सोते को एकदम से जगाया तो हमेशा के लिए हो सकता है ब्रेन डैमेज, कभी ना करें ये काम

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Sleeping Tricks, Importance And How Many Hours Should You Sleep Every Day? Expert Speaks!

Home Health Tricks to sleep, importance and how many hours should you sleep every day? Expert speaks! Do you think sleeping is a waste of time? Do you often end up working late or sacrificing your sleep for that Netflix show? Here’s what you need to know before continuing to do that. Tricks to sleep, … Read more

Start thinking something and then can’t sleep whole night… This is how you will get rid of this problem

Sleep Problem: When we go to sleep at night after the tiredness of the day, many times this happens, as soon as we lie down, tension starts coming in our mind from all sides. Tossing and turning in bed all night. In the morning again the head remains heavy. Have you ever wondered why this … Read more

What is this disease! Once you get it, you will keep sleeping during the day even after sleeping a lot at night.

Sound Sleep: Healthy sleep is a sign of a healthy person. If sleeping irregularly then it is not good for your health. If you stay in this situation for a long time, slowly other diseases related to lifestyle will surround you. But do you know about one such disease related to sleep. Doctors say that … Read more

World Mental Health Day 2022: 7 daily rituals that can refresh and rejuvenate you every single day

World Mental Health Day 2022: Do you often wake up feeling bored and exhausted and endless cups of tea and coffee only make your mood worse? You’re not alone. Daily stress builds up over a period of time and excessive screen time combined with a lack of quality sleep could literally wreak havoc on our … Read more

East, West, North and South.. Which side to sleep facing so that happiness, prosperity and health remain

Sound Sleep: For a healthy body, it is also important to have a healthy sleep. If you are sleeping less then it is directly inviting diseases. If a person is sleeping less than 6 or 7 hours continuously, then he can be a patient of depression, anxiety, hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes. Be it Ayurveda … Read more

Raju: What happens after going into a coma, Raju Srivastava had gone through some such conditions

Raju Srivastav Health Update: The country’s famous comedian Raju Srivastav admitted to AIIMS in Delhi is recovering from some problem every day. The doctor’s team is treating his heart only. At the same time, the team of doctors believes that he will gradually recover. At the same time, news was coming about Raju that his … Read more