Your memory can weaken due to stress and know the easy ways to avoid it – GoMedii |

It is said that as we age our memory weakens, but scientists say forgetfulness can affect anyone, at any age. Excessive worry, stress, and depression affect a person’s mind, causing their memory to weaken. Due to the weakening of the brain, there is a risk of dementia or Alzheimer’s in the person. When a person … Read more

Viagra may reduce the risk of dementia. If you also use it, know these important things.

People use Viagra to increase their energy. But according to recent research, Viagra also reduces the risk of dementia. According to a recent study, Viagra increases blood flow in the brains of people at high risk of dementia. This medicine reduces the risk of memory-related diseases. Scientists from the University of Oxford said in ongoing … Read more

हार्ट अटैक और डिमेंशिया जैसी खतरनाक बीमारियों से रहना है दूर तो इस्तेमाल करें ये ऑयल-Harvard Study

Olive Oil: खानपान का हमारी सेहत पर सीधा असर होता है. यही कारण है कि हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स खाने में हरी सब्जियों और फलों को शामिल करने की सलाह देते हैं. हालांकि, एक्सपर्ट्स एक चीज पर सबसे ज्यादा जोर देते हैं, वो खाने का तेल है, जिसके सही होने पर शरीर कई बीमारियों से दूर रह सकता … Read more

Brain Health: 5 Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Dementia

Home Health Brain Health: 5 Tips to Reduce Risk of Dementia And Avoid Cognitive Decline as You Age Brain Health: People’s brain health deteriorates with age, and memory loss and slow motor nerves become prevalent issues. Brain Health: 5 Tips to Reduce Risk of Dementia And Avoid Cognitive Decline as You Age Brain Health: … Read more

सूंघने की क्षमता खोना बड़े खतरे की आहट! इन बीमारियों की शुरुआत के हो सकते हैं संकेत

क्या आपकी सूंघने की कैपिसिटी कमजोर पड़ रही है? अगर आपका जवाब ‘हां’ है तो वक्त आ गया है कि सतर्क हो लिया जाए. ऐसा हम इसलिए कह रहे हैं क्योंकि सूंघने की क्षमता खोना गंभीर बीमारियों की चपेट में आने का एक संकेत भी हो सकता है. हाल ही में हुए एक शोध में … Read more

What is Sundowning Syndrome, Neurological Condition Triggered After Sunset? All You Need to Know

Home Health What is Sundowning Syndrome, Neurological Condition Triggered After Sunset? All You Need to Know While many people wait for the evening to come, for some it can be troublesome. Sunsets are usually something that people love to watch. As noon falls and we embrace the light and romanticised evening, it’s a part of … Read more

Be careful if you work while sitting for long hours, this habit can make you mentally ill – study

Health Tips : Do you also work sitting for long hours? Do you have to sit in one place for a long time? If yes, then be careful… In the study, health experts have told that the habit of sitting and working for most of the time is being found in more people these days. … Read more

Diabetes and Risk of Dementia: How High Blood Sugar Levels May Lead to Poor Brain Health

Home Health Diabetes and dementia risk: how high blood sugar levels can lead to poor brain health High blood sugar levels have twice the risk of a person developing dementia compared to those with normal levels. Diabetes and the risk of dementia and cognitive decline (Feeepik) Living with underlying conditions like diabetes is not easy. … Read more