Study: Physical and mental activities helps to reduce risk of dementia

ANI | Updated: July 30, 2022 11:33 PM IST Minneapolis [US]July 30 (ANI): The risk of dementia can be reduced by engaging in physical and mental tasks such as homework, exerciseand socialize. In addition to examining the impacts of these activities, the study also examined the effects of mental activities and use of electronic devices … Read more

To look handsome and charming in your old age or it is a secret, age has nothing to do with

Dementia Old Age: We all have to be old and with increasing age, the energy level of the body also decreases as well as attraction. But you will be surprised to know that a person can maintain his attractiveness even in old age and can also protect himself from old age diseases. No matter how … Read more

Exercise keeps your brain young

Exercise reduces the risk of debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease Exercise reduces the risk of debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease The human brain reaches adult size at the age of 10; but their wiring and abilities continue to change throughout life. After the age of 40, the brain begins to shrink. Less blood … Read more

Study: High Fiber Diet Linked to Lower Risk for Dementia

Japanese researchers followed more than 3,500 men and women ages 40 to 64 for two decades and found that people who ate a lot of fiber, especially soluble fiber, had a reduced risk of developing dementia. Researchers suggest that fiber is not only beneficial for our cardiovascular health, but also benefits the brain. According to … Read more

Why is dementia dementia in old age, know how to prevent it

Dementia And Alzheimer’s Problem: With increasing age, some people develop amnesia. You must have often seen people that they forget only what they have kept. With age, many people forget many things too. The reason for this is dementia and Alzheimer’s. This is a disease that troubles millions of people in old age. This is … Read more

Dancers stay one step ahead of dementia by training brains and lifting spirits

Dancing is more than a hobby for retiree Lou Tiziani; he is helping him stay young. Twice a week she helps organize New Vogue dance events in the Wollongong area and has its own website that lists all the dances in the region from the Highlands to the South Coast. New Vogue sequence dancing originated … Read more

Adopt these habits in life, there will be no risk of dementia in old age

What Is Dementia: Dementia is the name of such a disease of forgetfulness, to cure which even today’s science cannot do much. After a limit, the patient suffering from this disease finds it difficult to remember things. He may even forget his own identity (Forgetfullness). In whichever family there is a patient suffering from dementia, … Read more

Mental Disease: Alzheimer’s and Dementia are forgetful diseases, know what is the difference between the two

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Dementia is a very common mental illness. According to statistics, 1 out of every 5 people may have dementia at some point in their lifetime. In the whole world, about 50 million people i.e. counting them in lakhs, 500 lakh people are suffering from dementia. Of those who have dementia, 70 percent … Read more