Dengue Fever: 5 Strategies to Prevent The Risk of Mosquito-Borne Disease in Monsoon

Dengue Fever: 5 Strategies to Prevent The Risk of Mosquito-Borne Disease in Monsoon

Home Health Dengue: Five strategies to prevent the risk of mosquito-borne diseases during monsoon Dengue is a viral disease that affects public health in India, especially during monsoons. Here are 5 strategies to prevent the risk and stay safe from this serious infection. As the monsoon season approaches, the risk of contracting dengue increases significantly, … Read more

Dengue Cases Spike in Bengaluru: How Temperature Affects Rise in Mosquito-Borne Infection? Here is What We Know

Dengue Cases Spike in Bengaluru: How Temperature Affects Rise in Mosquito-Borne Infection? Here is What We Know

Home Health Dengue cases on the rise in Bengaluru: How does temperature affect the rise in mosquito-borne infections? This is what we know Dengue cases are steadily increasing in Bengaluru. Can temperature also affect the increase in cases? Read on to learn how it can affect the spread of infection. Dengue cases are increasing exponentially … Read more

Monsoon Health Risks: 5 Common Illnesses And How to Prevent Them

Monsoon Health Risks: 5 Common Illnesses And How to Prevent Them

Home Health Monsoon Health Risks: 5 Common Illnesses and How to Prevent Them Although the monsoon reduces the heat, it is essential to be vigilant and protect yourself from common diseases that occur during rainy weather. Health risks of monsoons: 5 common diseases and how to prevent them India usually has annual rains from June … Read more

Dengue Cases Rise in Bengaluru: Know These 5 Rules to Maintain Healthy Platelet Count Naturally

Dengue Cases Rise in Bengaluru: Know These 5 Rules to Maintain Healthy Platelet Count Naturally

Home Lifestyle Dengue cases on the rise in Bengaluru: Know these five rules to maintain a healthy platelet count naturally Dengue cases are increasing in Karnataka. Here are some lifestyle habits that can help you maintain a healthy platelet count. Dengue cases are increasing in Karnataka and here’s how to avoid infection (Freepik) As the … Read more

Why are platelets important for our body, apart from dengue, what diseases are at risk?

Why are platelets important for our body, apart from dengue, what diseases are at risk?

A healthy person has 5 to 6 liters of blood in their body. It is composed of white-red and many nutrients. Which also includes platelets. Red blood cells function to provide oxygen throughout the body. This provides energy to the body. Red blood cells help fight infections in the body. For your information, let us … Read more

If you want to avoid dengue, don’t wear this type of clothing even by mistake, complete this work

If you want to avoid dengue, don’t wear this type of clothing even by mistake, complete this work

How to prevent dengue: Although the rainy season is very pleasant, this season also brings many diseases. Yes, mosquito-borne diseases increase rapidly during the rainy season, when the risk of dengue fever is highest. In such a situation, how can you protect yourself from dengue fever before the rains start and what kinds of clothes … Read more

डेंगू के बुखार से झटपट होना है रिकवर तो आजमाएं ये 5 देसी औषधि, गजब हैं फायदे

डेंगू के बुखार से झटपट होना है रिकवर तो आजमाएं ये 5 देसी औषधि, गजब हैं फायदे

Dengue Fever Home Remedies: बढ़ती गर्मी में कई बीमारियां दस्तक देती हैं. इन्हीं में से एक डेंगू भी है. इन सभी से बचने का सिर्फ एक उपाय है कि इम्यूनिटी स्ट्रॉन्ग कर ली जाए. हालांकि, कई बार लोग इस बीमारी के चपेट में आ ही जाते हैं. डेंगू का बुखार बेहद गंभीर होता है. इससे … Read more

कहीं कीवी बन न जाए परेशानी की वजह… अगर इससे ज्यादा खाई तो होगा डबल नुकसान!

कहीं कीवी बन न जाए परेशानी की वजह… अगर इससे ज्यादा खाई तो होगा डबल नुकसान!

Kiwi Side Effects:  कीवी सेहत के लिए रामबाण से कम नहीं है. इसमें विटामिन सी, पोटैशियम और अन्य महत्वपूर्ण पोषक तत्व पाए जाते हैं लेकिन इसमें एक खास एंजाइम भी पाया जाता है, जो कुछ लोगों में पेट की समस्याओं का कारण बन सकता है. ऐसा कीवी ज्यादा खाने पर होता है. दरअसल, कीवी एक ऐसा … Read more