This pain hurts the people of desk jobs, these are the preventive measures

Cause of Cervical Pain: Cervical pain, a pain that starts from the neck and mainly it is neck pain. But when its condition becomes serious, it occurs in the whole hand through the shoulder (Shoulder pain). It can also reach to the fingers and can take possession of the area from the shoulder down to … Read more

Desk job may increase the risk of heart attack, claims study of 21 countries

Health News : Do you do a desk job? Do you like to sit in one place all the time? If yes, then it can prove fatal for your body. Yes, it has been claimed in the study of many countries that employees working for 8 hours a day are at higher risk of heart … Read more

Weight Loss Tips: Weight is increasing due to desk job? Control like this without sweating

Weight Loss Tips: Weight is increasing due to desk job? Control like this without shedding sweat. Source link