Most common mistakes made while losing weight

The moment you want to lose weight, you know that eating healthy and exercising more is essential. You start out full of energy and discipline, but it always turns out to be more difficult than you initially thought. That belly just gets in the way and the pounds don’t fly off with lightning speed. Adjusting … Read more

Teen Diet Plans – Can Teens Use the Medifast Diet to Lose Weight?

Are you a teen or have a teen in your home who needs to lose weight? If you’ve used Medifast yourself, or you’ve seen commercials for it on television, you may be wondering, “Can teens use the Medifast diet to lose weight?” I hope you will be happy to know that even teenagers can use … Read more

What Kinds of Vegetables Can I Eat on the Candida Diet?

Loading up on vegetables is a great dieting strategy. Vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients and are a great addition to any healthy diet. But are all vegetables created equal? Believe it or not, some vegetables may not be suitable for certain types of diets. The candida diet is one of these diets … Read more