How long does it take for the liver to filter alcohol after drinking it? Know the answer

How long does it take for the liver to filter alcohol after drinking it? Know the answer

Liver detox time after drinking : Drinking alcohol is harmful to your health. We see and hear this phrase often. Despite this, many people cannot get away from it. Alcohol affects different parts of the body, but the liver suffers the most. Since the liver is the second largest organ in our body. It processes … Read more

Drinking alcohol is not only harmful to the liver, it can cause 200 diseases, you won’t believe it.

Drinking alcohol is not only harmful to the liver, it can cause 200 diseases, you won’t believe it.

Side effect of drinking alcohol: Some people drink alcohol to have fun, while others use it to forget their sorrows. But this alcohol acts as a slow poison for our body which can give us many diseases and its excessive consumption also affects the liver and heart. In such a situation, let us tell you … Read more

Woman who fell asleep after drinking vodka, opened her eyes and got this dangerous disease, had to undergo surgery immediately

Woman who fell asleep after drinking vodka, opened her eyes and got this dangerous disease, had to undergo surgery immediately

A 36-year-old Canadian woman suffered a serious condition after a night out with friends. Actually, a woman from Toronto went out on a night out with her friends. During this, he drank vodka heavily. After drinking vodka, the woman fainted. But when she woke up, she was stunned to see her condition. He noticed that … Read more

As soon as the first sip of alcohol goes inside, these parts of the body have a bad effect, read the news before drinking

As soon as the first sip of alcohol goes inside, these parts of the body have a bad effect, read the news before drinking

Alcohol Side Effects: Consumption of alcohol can have a bad effect on your body. Drinking too much alcohol over time or at one go can significantly affect your health. From the heart to your stomach, both can have a very bad effect, which can be difficult to treat for a long time. This is the … Read more

Excessive consumption of alcohol can reduce your age, you can come in the grip of these incurable diseases

Excessive consumption of alcohol can reduce your age, you can come in the grip of these incurable diseases

Drinking Much Alcohol Can harm Your Health: Be it the occasion of happiness or sorrow.. some people do not refrain from opening the bottle. Opening the bottle means that some people never refrain from drinking alcohol. If you drink a limited amount of alcohol on any occasion, then it does not harm you. But if … Read more