Are you doing too much exercise to stay fit, know its disadvantages

Are you doing too much exercise to stay fit, know its disadvantages

Over Exercising Side Effects: Exercise is very beneficial for health, but do you know that excessive exercise can also make you ill. It also has many side effects (Side Effects of Too Much Exercise). Actually, the purpose of exercise is to keep the body fit and fine. But some people make the body tired by … Read more

Asteroid: Gym and steroid both have a connection with heart attack, understand these things to avoid

Asteroid: Gym and steroid both have a connection with heart attack, understand these things to avoid

 Comedian Raju Srivastav: Famous comedian Raju Srivastav passed away today at the age of 58 in AIIMS Hospital, Delhi. He was hospitalized for the last one and a half months. He was admitted to the hospital for treatment due to a heart attack. He was on ventilator for a long time. Raju was admitted to … Read more

Is it dangerous to do more gym, know how long to workout for fitness

Is it dangerous to do more gym, know how long to workout for fitness

Side Effects Of Over Exercise: In the last few years, the craze for fitness among people has increased a lot. In such a situation, people exercise for hours in the gym. Staying fit and exercising for it is a good thing, but for some people, exercise becomes a fad. He exercises hard for hours. For … Read more