शराब से भी ज्यादा खतरनाक हैं ये फूड आइटम्स, शरीर को अंदर से कर देते हैं खोखला

हम अक्सर अपने आसपास घर में सुनते हैं कि शराब शरीर के लिए ठीक नहीं है. जो लोग इसे पीते हैं वह बीमारी के शिकार हो जाते हैं. इसलिए हमेशा शराब से दूरी बनाए रखने कि हिदायत दी जाती है. लेकिन आज आपको हम ऐसी खबर बताने जा रहे हैं जिसे सुनकर आप एक पल … Read more

If you are feeling these 4 problems in the body, then understand that you are eating more salt than necessary.

Health Risk Of Eating Too Much Salt: Salt does the work of adding flavor to any spicy and spicy dish. Salt is used in most of the food eaten on a daily basis. Salt is such an ingredient, eating less of which is harmful as well as eating more. If you eat less salt, there … Read more

How do we know if we are eating too much salt? Know what WHO says

Daily Salt Intake: Salt and sugar are two of the most important tastes, which when taken in excess, pose a greater risk to health. Doctors always advise us against excessive intake of salt and sugar as it damages the major organs of the body. WHO recently explained how much salt you should eat and how … Read more

More salt can dissolve ‘poison’ in your life, know how much to use

World Salt Awareness Week 2023: The more balanced your diet is, the healthier you are. Food should be tasty but also nutritious. Like vitamins, proteins and minerals in food, sodium ie salt is also very important. Salt is essential for our health, but if its quantity is high then it can also be dangerous. This … Read more

The habit of taking salt separately in food can reduce your age, vegetables and fruits can reduce this risk

Salt Research: Many people have a habit that they consume more salt in the food or have a habit of adding salt separately. Let us tell you that your habit of taking salt separately or eating more salt is slowly reducing your age. Yes, you read it right. This thing has come to the fore … Read more