Heavy on pocket but will keep you away from diseases, dragon fruit has many benefits

Dragon Fruit Benefit: Heavy on pocket but will keep you away from diseases, dragon fruit has many benefits Source link

Include this food in the food… without medicine, immunity will increase and many diseases will not come near

Food For Boost Immunity: Include this food in the food… Without medicine, immunity will increase and many diseases will not come near Source link

Eat lots of onions in summer… because it works as a medicine for diseases in summer!

Onion Benefits: Often you must have noticed that people consume a lot of raw onions during the summer season. Apart from this, if you go to any restaurant, onion is definitely served. There are many varieties of it. For example, onion with onion, onion with vinegar, onion with spices, salad, etc. This doubles the enjoyment … Read more

Attention Bounce in H3N2 virus… know which people are most at risk

H3N2 Influenza Virus: H3N2 virus infection has been confirmed in a 4-year-old child in Ranchi, Jharkhand. There have been reports that the girl showed symptoms of cough, cold, fever and pneumonia. The doctor told the media, his samples were sent for examination, where it was confirmed that he had a viral infection. H3N2 cases are … Read more

If your ‘immune system’ is weak, then these 5 symptoms will appear in the body immediately.

Weak Immune System Symptoms: The work of protecting our body from diseases and fighting different types of infections is done by the immune system. If the immune system is weak, then not only will you have to face many difficulties in fighting different types of infections, but your ability to fight against diseases will also … Read more

Signs of aging are visible in the skin? Include mushrooms in food from today itself

Health Benefits of Mushroom: Mushrooms are found everywhere from kitchen to forest. Even in relation to your beauty routine, mushrooms are beneficial in many ways. By using this, your skin also brightens up a lot. In winter, our skin shrinks, or the signs of wrinkles start appearing. In such a situation, many people try to … Read more