What are the common diseases in children? Know how dangerous these diseases are

What are the common diseases in children?  Know how dangerous these diseases are

Children Health Problem: The leading causes of death in children vary by age. Children below 5 years of age are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases such as malaria, pneumonia, diarrhoea, HIV and tuberculosis. In 2019, pneumonia, diarrhea and malaria were responsible for nearly 30 percent of global deaths among children under the age of 5. … Read more

Not only bad diet, weight can also increase due to these diseases

Not only bad diet, weight can also increase due to these diseases

Weight Gain in Women: Weight gain is a common problem. Nowadays every second person is troubled by his increasing weight, for which people take the path of sweating in the gym for hours to diet. Weight gain is a common symptom with age and even if you are not taking the right diet and overeating, … Read more

Nutmeg drives away these 5 diseases including cold and cough of the child

Nutmeg drives away these 5 diseases including cold and cough of the child

Nutmeg Benefits: Nutmeg is a spice used in food, which is full of taste and aroma. Nutmeg is also used in many recipes. Grandmothers advise feeding nutmeg to children when they have a cold. It cures indigestion, mouth ulcers and stomach problems. Nutmeg is rich in antibacterial and antibiotic properties. Seasonal diseases stay away by … Read more

If you have obesity then these diseases can catch you

If you have obesity then these diseases can catch you

Disease: There is a difference between being healthy and being fat. People consider obesity to be healthy, this is their biggest mistake. The fat which he considers healthy. In fact, it is the root of many diseases. Doctors tell that obesity brings many diseases together. Being fat seems fine for a while. If it is … Read more

Dried apricots drive away these 5 diseases, will get rid of heart, diabetes and obesity

Dried apricots drive away these 5 diseases, will get rid of heart, diabetes and obesity

Dried Apricot For Health: Apricot, which is called Apricot in English, looks very tasty to eat. Especially the taste of dried apricots is very good. Apricot is a very beneficial fruit and dry fruit for health. Dried apricots help to make you healthy and keep many diseases away. Due to this, the body gets plenty … Read more

Linseed seed is no less than medicine for women, it cures these 4 diseases

Linseed seed is no less than medicine for women, it cures these 4 diseases

Flaxseeds for Women: Flax seeds can remove many health related problems. Especially with its use, increasing body weight can be controlled. These seeds are considered beneficial for people of all ages, genders and ages. It is effective in removing skin to hormonal problems of women. Apart from this, linseed seeds can be beneficial for women … Read more

10 diseases that kill the most, every third person is troubled by the number 1 in the list

10 diseases that kill the most, every third person is troubled by the number 1 in the list

Most Deadliest Disease In The World: Every person in the world struggles with some disease. Many of these diseases are cured with time, while many diseases become the cause of death. According to a report of WHO, we are telling you about those 10 diseases, which we can call ‘death’ disease, due to which most … Read more

Take these measures before Diwali, you will be saved from pollution and many diseases

Take these measures before Diwali, you will be saved from pollution and many diseases

Remedies For Pollution: Diwali is about to come. Every year on Diwali, people are troubled by pollution and smog. Even if firecrackers are banned but people do not believe without using fireworks and crackers, after which a sheet of pollution and smog is laid in Delhi NCR. Pollution causes difficulty in breathing. People are also … Read more