Heart Disease: IIT researchers discovered such a cardiac protein… Damage will make the heart fit

Heart Attack Symptoms: Relieving news has come to the fore regarding the treatment of the heart. Till now, the chances of recovery from heart damage were very less. The treatment is so expensive that the common man cannot afford it. Now the team of Biosciences and Bioengineering Department of IIT Guwahati has developed the Recombinant … Read more

This chest pain is due to heart attack or the reason is something else… identify with these symptoms

Heart Attack Symptoms: The year 2022 was not good in terms of heart. Many celebrities died during this period. famous comedian Raju Srivastava Had died due to heart attack. But before the heart attack, the body gives some indication. Those symptoms need to be recognized immediately. But the pain in the chest is rising. Is … Read more

Are the symptoms of heart attack different in women than in men?

Heart Attack: Heart attack is also called myocardial infarction in medical language. Heart attack occurs when the supply of blood to the heart is not done properly or stops. In such a situation, if there is no supply of blood to the heart on time, then a person can also die. Heart attack is a … Read more

read this before joining gym

heart attack: As if there is a trend of heart attack while exercising in the gym. Recently famous actor Siddhant Suryavanshi and artist Raju Srivastava Died due to heart attack. Due to the news of heart attack coming one after the other during the gym, there is a fear in the minds of the people … Read more

If you can see this then understand that you have had a heart attack.

Heart attack: Heart attack can come even without realizing it, these indicate signs. Source link

If you want to avoid heart attack, then do this work daily, your heart will be very happy

Reduce Risk Of Heart Attack: The number of people dying of heart attack is increasing day by day all over the world. Not only the elderly, but young children are also becoming victims of heart attack. According to WHO, there are 1.28 billion people in the whole world whose BP is increased. Only 46 percent … Read more

This is what this man felt just before he had a heart attack

Heart Attack Symptoms: ‘Heart attack can also lead to death.’ Everyone knows this thing. But have you ever wondered what kind of movement would happen in the body before or during a heart attack. Stopping of heartbeat is also called heart attack. But this is not completely true. The truth is that when a person … Read more

Women can avoid heart attack if they recognize these 12 symptoms

Heart Problem: Heart disease is a disease related to lifestyle. Diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity start arising due to bad lifestyle. Their direct link is related to the heart. The heart gives many indications before a heart attack occurs. Dil tries to tell that he is having trouble. If they are recognized in time, then … Read more