Crispian Stewart: If you want to get fit, here’s a great (free) place to start

The Jogging the Powerpoles team at the Rotorua Marathon this year. Photo / Supplied Hakinakina Community News is a weekly update on sports and athletes from our own local community. OPINION: From our athletic office, the “Jogging the Powerpoles” summer programs are open for registration. The “JTP” is a free community fitness group that provides … Read more

East, West, North and South.. Which side to sleep facing so that happiness, prosperity and health remain

Sound Sleep: For a healthy body, it is also important to have a healthy sleep. If you are sleeping less then it is directly inviting diseases. If a person is sleeping less than 6 or 7 hours continuously, then he can be a patient of depression, anxiety, hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes. Be it Ayurveda … Read more

Hamish and Kyle – On the impact of the food we eat on our mental health

Hamish and Kyle discuss the impact of diet and the foods we eat on our mental health. Video / New Zealand Herald In this web series, psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald and Nutters Club co-host Hamish Williams take a look at mental health and how to navigate some of the most challenging parts of modern life. Today … Read more