What is Juvenile Arthritis? Signs And Symptoms to Be Aware of in Kids

What is Juvenile Arthritis? Signs And Symptoms to Be Aware of in Kids

Home Health What is Juvenile Arthritis? Signs And Symptoms to Be Aware of in Kids Juvenile arthritis (JA) refers to a group of chronic autoimmune diseases that affect children and adolescents, causing joint inflammation and stiffness. Here some common signs, symptoms and treatment that one must be aware of. What is Juvenile Arthritis? Signs And … Read more

Take special care of eyes in the rainy season, know why pink eyes after flood in Delhi

Take special care of eyes in the rainy season, know why pink eyes after flood in Delhi

Health Tips : A few days back, the capital Delhi-NCR saw havoc due to rain and floods. Now its side effects (Delhi Flood Side Effects) are also coming to the fore. Due to rain, diseases caused by mosquitoes and problems of many other parts of the body can increase. Due to flood, infections have started … Read more

Not only diabetes, these reasons can also take away the eyesight, be careful, otherwise you may have to repent

Not only diabetes, these reasons can also take away the eyesight, be careful, otherwise you may have to repent

Eye Care : Today glasses are coming on the eyes at an early age. Bad lifestyle is believed to be the biggest reason for this. Mostly due to diabetes or high blood pressure, the eyesight starts decreasing but there can be many other reasons for the weakening of vision (Vision Loss Reason). In such a … Read more

Eyes also need special care in summer, include these foods in your diet from today itself.

Eyes also need special care in summer, include these foods in your diet from today itself.

Eye Care Tips: To live a healthy life, it is necessary to have better eye health. However, many people spend time with the screen for a long time, which leads to many vision related problems. A balanced diet is essential for maintaining good eye health. Including a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet … Read more

The problem of blurriness in the eyes may have to be ignored, know which disease is invited..

The problem of blurriness in the eyes may have to be ignored, know which disease is invited..

Stroke symptoms: Just like our body gets tired after working for a whole day, in the same way our eyes also sometimes give some signs when they are too tired, such as pain in the eyes, blurred vision or dizziness. If you are constantly ignoring these problems, then this situation is dangerous, but if it … Read more

If color has gone into the eyes by mistake, do not make this mistake in a hurry, otherwise the eyesight may go away.

If color has gone into the eyes by mistake, do not make this mistake in a hurry, otherwise the eyesight may go away.

Holi Celebration: The festival of Holi is just around the corner. This festival is full of happiness and colors. Especially children have special enthusiasm about this festival. Because many dishes are prepared on Holi, children play a lot with colors, balloons and water cannons. Many types of tasty dishes are made at home for this … Read more

Heart attack is coming…signs are visible in the eyes

Heart attack is coming…signs are visible in the eyes

Healthy Heart: Often you must have heard that more than a person’s tongue, his eyes tell the truth. The tongue also tells lies, but the eyes of any human being cannot tell lies. To an extent, this can also be said about your health. Many times it has been seen that your health is not … Read more