Do not ignore fever with cold, it can be a fatal disease

Rectal Cancer: Cells keep on dividing continuously in our body and this is a normal process on which the body has full control. But when there is no control of the body on the cells of a particular part of the body and it starts growing normally, then it is called cancer. If you have … Read more

Rapidly increasing mental illness in children, can be fatal for your beloved, save in this way

Child Mental Health : In the run-of-the-mill life, stress is becoming a part of life. People of all ages are falling prey to stress and depression. Its effect is being seen more on children. Therefore, there is a need to pay attention to the physical health of the children as well as the mental health. … Read more

Market’s cough syrup is proving to be fatal for children, prepare it at home – get a break from cough

Cough syrup for babies: Whenever children have a problem of cough or cold, we bring cough syrup from the market without thinking and give it to them, so that they get immediate relief. Recently a shocking incident has come to light, in which 66 children have died due to cough syrup. Yes, in the West … Read more

This intoxication went beyond charas and ganja, know its fatal effect on the brain

Quit Drugs Addiction: Some more names have been added to the chain of intoxicants of charas, ganja and opium, whose demand is increasing. The thrill of drugs adventure has made people move towards such a drug which is more intoxicating, durable. Among these, the most discussed are cocaine, ecstasy and LSD. People are also playing … Read more

Lipstick giving killer look can be fatal for health, know how

Harmful Effects Of Wearing Lipstick: It would not be wrong to say that lipsticks are the best friends of women. Lipstick is the only product that completes the look of women. Without it, it seems as if something remains incomplete. If women are also asked, they will say that the credit for completing their killer … Read more

Why is hepatitis B disease fatal, know what are the symptoms

Hepatitis B Causes And Symptoms: World Hepatitis Day will be observed on 28 July. Hepatitis kills people worldwide every year. It is a liver disease that spreads through infection. The risk of hepatitis increases due to excessive alcohol consumption, poor eating habits or certain medicines. Liver inflammation occurs when hepatitis occurs. If the liver gets … Read more

Doing this work immediately after eating food can become fatal for the body, know these precautions

What To Avoid After A Meal: Everyone has some good habits and some bad ones. Today we are going to make you aware of some such habits, which most people often repeat immediately after eating food. They have no idea how heavy this habit of theirs can be on them. That’s why today we have … Read more

Do not drink turmeric milk in excess, otherwise it can be fatal

Turmeric Milk Side Effects: Do not drink turmeric milk in excess, otherwise it can be fatal. Source link