3 Pain-Relieving Exercises for Your Lower Back 😃

3 exercises to relieve lower back pain  US Masters Swimming .

You will feel that everything is fine but these 5 habits can gradually make a patient of hypertension

High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure is called the silent killer. If you do not treat it on time, it can put your life in danger. High blood pressure causes heart attack, stroke, kidney damage and dementia. If your blood pressure remains above 140/90 then it is dangerous and can lead to hypertension. The good … Read more

Why did Raju Srivastava feel like this after the heart attack? You should also keep these important things in mind

Raju Srivastav Death: The king of comedy and the king of laughter who ruled our hearts for years and years, has become silent forever. Famous comedian Raju Srivastav lost the battle of life in AIIMS today after a heart attack. Raju Srivastava remained in the hospital for a total of 42 days. In between, he … Read more

Follow these easy tricks to sharpen your mind, you will feel the difference yourself

How to make your brain sharp: From the time we are born till we die, our mind is always and at all times working. It works even when we are sleeping. This is the reason why we see dreams while sleeping. To save our mind from being constantly active, we can do some such activities, … Read more

If you want to be very happy then do these activities fiercely, you will feel happy from inside

How to Stay Happy: Whatever you do in life, the purpose of every work is only one and that is to be happy. Whether it is to earn money or to make a career or to reach the top in any field, a person does everything in his life to be happy. Because the one … Read more

I do not feel like doing work, there is a problem in focus and the mood remains bad, know why

Lack of concentration: You try to keep yourself very cool and are completely committed to your work. Still you are neither able to do your work with full efficiency nor are you able to be happy? Anger is also bothering you over small things? If so, then you should definitely pay attention to the things … Read more

These tips will motivate you for exercise, you will feel like going to the gym

Motivation Tips For Exercise: If it is happening to you that after leaving the gym, you do not have the desire to join again, then you need to be alert. Yes, there can be many such reasons with you too, due to which you are not able to force yourself to workout again. Today we … Read more

Do you feel that you are not worth anything? So it is not your lack, it is the effect of imposter syndrome.

Impostor Syndrome When You Doubt Your Capabilities: Sometimes everyone finds flaws in themselves, questioning their own abilities, but if you do this often then you need to be alert, because you may be a victim of Impostor Syndrome. This is a disease in which people start doubting their own achievements, abilities and success. They start … Read more