नाश्ते की यह आदत बना सकती है आपको दिल का मरीज

नाश्ते की यह आदत बना सकती है आपको दिल का मरीज

नाश्ते की यह आदत बना सकती है आपको दिल का मरीज Source link

नाश्ते की इन आदतों से बढ़ रही है दिल की बीमारी, हो जाएं सावधान, रिसर्च में खुलासा

नाश्ते की इन आदतों से बढ़ रही है दिल की बीमारी, हो जाएं सावधान, रिसर्च में खुलासा

Snacking Habits Increase Heart Disease Risk : क्या आप जानते हैं कि आपका नाश्ता आपके स्वास्थ्य को किस तरह प्रभावित कर सकता है? एक नए शोध में चौंकाने वाले खुलासे हुए हैं कि नाश्ते की पोष्टिकता और समय दोनों ही आपके स्वास्थ्य पर गहरा असर डालता है. खासकर अनहेल्दी नाश्ता आपको मोटापा, उच्च कोलेस्ट्रॉल, मधुमेह … Read more

Heart Attack in Women: 7 Wholesome Foods That Can Lower The Risk of Heart Diseases

Heart Attack in Women: 7 Wholesome Foods That Can Lower The Risk of Heart Diseases

Home Health Heart attack in women: 7 healthy foods that can reduce the risk of heart disease Heart-healthy diet: Here are the best heart-healthy foods to include in your diet to prevent heart disease risk. Heart attack in women: 7 healthy foods that can reduce the risk of heart disease (Source: freepik) Signs of heart … Read more

To make the heart healthy and strong, then know how to diet

To make the heart healthy and strong, then know how to diet

Food For Heart: Nowadays problems like heart attack and stroke are increasing a lot. Doctors are telling a big reason for these diseases to our lifestyle. Health-related problems start due to carelessness in eating and drinking. Sometimes it has to face dire consequences. If you eat too much unbalanced food, then cholesterol starts increasing. Due … Read more

These white things are the enemy of the heart, remove them from your diet immediately

These white things are the enemy of the heart, remove them from your diet immediately

Harmful Food For Heart Health: Nowadays most of the people are troubled by high blood pressure and heart diseases. The risk of heart diseases is increasing rapidly among the youth. Lifestyle is a big reason behind this. Heart patients sometimes have the problem of fast or slow heart beat. Apart from this, there is also … Read more