Mysterious pneumonia kills 3, infects 9 in Argentina: ‘Similar to COVID’

Mysterious pneumonia kills 3, infects 9 in Argentina: ‘Similar to COVID’

Fears of a deadly new viral outbreak have begun to spread after three people died in Argentina this week from a mysterious case of pneumonia. Six other people have also been infected with “pneumonia of unknown origin,” Argentine health officials reported. Of the nine people who have been infected, eight were health workers and one … Read more

Rest and your heart health

Rest and your heart health

Thursday, 1 September 2022, 17:32 the Spanish Sleep Society It has long been recognized that insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, and it is more frequent among women. We know that rest is essential for our health, to the point that sleeping poorly can cause major disorders, among which we are going to focus … Read more

National Nutrition Week 2022: Nutritional tips for healthy lifestyle

National Nutrition Week 2022: Nutritional tips for healthy lifestyle

By September 01, 2022, 07:32 IST (Published) Mini According to nutritionists, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand. Overeating leads to fat storage, bloating, and many other health problems. Food is the fuel that makes the body work, but poor dietary choices can hinder the natural function of our vital organs. Therefore, … Read more

A lot of fat is increasing below the waist, so do these 2 yogasanas daily, you will be perfectly fit

A lot of fat is increasing below the waist, so do these 2 yogasanas daily, you will be perfectly fit

Yoga For Lower Body Weight Loss: Some people are troubled by the weight gain in the lower part of the body. Especially a lot of fat gets accumulated on the lower body parts of women. The fat on the hips and thighs comes most quickly and is the most difficult to reduce. In such a … Read more

How is Relationship Anxiety, why the partner does not trust, how to stay positive in the meantime, Psychologist Aruba Kabir is telling. Health Mantra

How is Relationship Anxiety, why the partner does not trust, how to stay positive in the meantime, Psychologist Aruba Kabir is telling.  Health Mantra

Updated : 01 Sep 2022 08:39 PM (IST) Sometimes bad past life experiences start ruining your current relationship. Being afraid of your partner is normal, but sometimes it goes on for a very long time. Lack of trust, inferiority complex, fear of being left out, questions of compatibility, inability to understand feelings become a daily … Read more

Do not have tea and coffee as soon as you wake up in the morning, but take a fruit, it will remain fresh and active throughout the day.

Do not have tea and coffee as soon as you wake up in the morning, but take a fruit, it will remain fresh and active throughout the day.

Apple In The Morning vs Coffee: Most people start their day by drinking tea or coffee. They think that they are able to drive away sleep and laziness and feel fresh, but do you know that this habit of yours can harm you. You should avoid consuming caffeine as soon as you wake up in … Read more

How many walnuts should be eaten in a day, should it be soaked or not?

How many walnuts should be eaten in a day, should it be soaked or not?

Walnut Benefits: Must eat walnuts in dry fruits. Eating walnuts strengthens immunity. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep your heart healthy. Eating walnuts makes the brain sharp and active. Walnuts are a storehouse of nutrients like iron, phosphorus, copper, protein, calcium, magnesium and selenium. Most people eat walnuts without soaking them. Today we … Read more

Ultraprocessed foods linked to cancer and early death, studies find

Ultraprocessed foods linked to cancer and early death, studies find

Ultra-processed foods include pre-packaged soups, sauces, frozen pizza, ready-to-eat meals, and indulgent foods like hot dogs, sausage, French fries, soft drinks, store-bought cookies, cakes, candy, donuts, ice cream, and many more. “Literally hundreds of studies link ultra-processed foods to obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease and overall mortality,” said Marion Nestle, Paulette Goddard professor emeritus of nutrition, … Read more