Eat more, lose weight – know the advantages and disadvantages of this diet

What are the pros and cons of the Eat More, Weight Less program? This routine is the result of studies aimed at finding ways to reduce heart disease. With this program, you are required to eat foods that are low in fat and high in fiber and vegetable content. Dairy food intake should also be … Read more

Slider Foods Magic Weight Regain for Weight Loss Surgery Patients

For most people, eating sliders is a good thing. Popularized by the American food chain, White Castle, a slider (originally Slider) is a miniature grilled hamburger or cheeseburger on a steamed bun that is often served with onion and dill pickles and other condiments. They were originally sold for a nickel a piece in the … Read more

Soup, Salad and Cereal Diet

A diet that consists mostly of soups, cereals and salads can definitely help someone lose weight. Here is a sample of the Soup, Cereal and Salad Diet: sample day: , Breakfast: Cereal with fruit Snack: Fruit or cereal bar Lunch: Soup and salad Snack: Raw vegetables Dinner: Soup and salad Late-night snack: Raw fruit, vegetables, … Read more

Type 2 Diabetes – Making Healthy Food Choices

When you have type 2 diabetes, the most important thing you can do to get control of your disease is to make healthy food choices. By paying attention to eating right and maintaining a healthy diet, people with type 2 diabetes can make significant improvements in their overall health. Learning to eat well isn’t as … Read more

The Top Secret Method Of How Beauty Pageant Contestants Lose Weight Fast

So how do those girls do it and shed their baby fat in time for upcoming pageants or events? Losing weight fast is easy thanks to an online diet called Fat Loss 4 Idiots. If you haven’t already heard of this program, it claims that clients can lose an astonishing 9 pounds in less than … Read more

Effective Weight Loss – Top Workout Plans

More and more people are looking for ways to lose weight. Most resort to taking weight loss pills or engaging in a low-carbohydrate food regimen, without putting effort into workouts with the belief that all of this will be effective without it. And this is completely untrue. Creating a workout plan while trying to get … Read more

Difference Between Supplements and Diet Pills

What is the difference between Supplements and Diet Pills? It is true that they are very similar; Maybe that’s why many people think they are the same thing! But, each has different benefits which can be classified as different aids for dieting. What remains common to both is that they each contribute to your weight … Read more

What are the BRAT and CRAM Gastrointestinal Upset Diets?

The BRAT and CRAM gastrointestinal diets are often recommended by physicians for gastroenteritis and/or severe diarrhea. The BRAT acronym stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. CRAM is an abbreviation for Cereals, Rice and Milk. When a person suffers from severe dehydration due to diarrhea and/or vomiting, it is necessary to replace the loss of … Read more