Stress-eating: 5 Must-Avoid Comfort Foods That Can Actually Make You More Anxious

Home Health Stress-eating: 5 Must-Avoid ‘Comfort’ Foods That Can Actually Make You More Anxious It’s natural to seek comfort in food during moments of stress, but it’s essential to choose nutritious options that won’t worsen the situation. Stress-eating: 5 Must-Avoid ‘Comfort’ Foods That Can Actually Make You More Anxious When stress arises, What is your … Read more

दालचीनी में छुपा है तंदुरुस्त होने का राज, बस ऐसे करें इस्तेमाल

अपनी दादी या मम्मी को अपने रसोई में जरूर दालचीनी का उपयोग करते हुए देखा हुआ, लेकिन शायद आपको उसके फायदे नहीं पता होंगे. आज हम आपको दालचीनी के फायदे बताएंगे जिसे जानकर आप दंग रह जाएंगे. आइए जानते हैं क्या है दालचीनी के फायदे. दालचीनी एंटीऑक्सिडेंट जैसे कई यौगिकों में भरपूर होती है. दालचीनी … Read more

बाजार का पीला नहीं, खाएं घर का बना सफेद मक्खन, सेहत को मिलेंगे फायदे ही फायदे

White Butter Benefits : आजकल घर पर बने सफेद मक्खन की बजाय ज्यादातर लोग बाजार से पैकेट बंद पीले मक्खन का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं. उन्हें लगता है कि वे हेल्दी मक्खन खाकर अपनी सेहत बना रहे हैं लेकिन शायद वे लोग नहीं जानते कि घर पर दूध से बना मक्खन (White Butter Benefits) ज्यादा फायदेमंद … Read more

Dussehra 2023: Get rid of these 5 bad habits to stay healthy

  Dussehra 2023: Dussehra is celebrated to mark the victory of good over evil. Not only is evil present in the outside world, but we also need to break our bad habits in order to prevent unfavorable outcomes. Watch this video and cut down these unhealthy food habits that may be affecting your well-being. Source … Read more

Spinach and paneer should never be eaten together, this food combination is dangerous for the body.

Vegetarian people like paneer curry very much. Be it Matar Paneer or Palak Paneer, vegetarian people like to eat both types of vegetables a lot. Be it Matar Paneer or Palak Paneer, you will see it in the menu at every party, wedding, kitty party. Today we will talk about why spinach and paneer should … Read more

Chakra flower is not only taste but also a treasure of health, it is full of miraculous properties

Star Anise Benefits : Many types of spices are present in the kitchen, which not only enhance the taste of food but are also full of Ayurvedic properties. They keep the body away from many types of diseases. One such spice is Star Anise Health Benefits, which is also known as Chakra Phool. It looks … Read more

Age will not affect the face, the wonder of 5 superfoods,

Healthy Foods: Staying young is everyone’s dream. Everyone adopts different ways to stay young. It is also a matter of fact that aging is a natural process. It is not in anyone’s hands to stop it, but if you want, you can stay young for a long time. America’s Harvard Medical Institute has claimed on … Read more

If you feel tired, eat these 5 things to get instant energy, always keep it in your bag

Energy is very important to keep the body active and healthy. If there is enough energy in the body, then we can do all the work with body and mind. On the other hand, if the energy level decreases, then we feel tired and start stealing from work. Many times you must have seen that … Read more