Diseases like heart attack, blood pressure will not even affect you, just do these things on weekends.

Diseases like heart attack, blood pressure will not even affect you, just do these things on weekends.

Tips to reduce the risk of heart attack : In the hustle and bustle of the week, neither sleep is complete nor the body rests, hence the risk of diseases increases. This is where the heart suffers the most. Due to lack of sleep, the risk of blood pressure, cholesterol and heart attack can increase … Read more

Can Chewing Ginger Save Lives in Heart Attack? Know the Truth

Can Chewing Ginger Save Lives in Heart Attack? Know the Truth

Myths about heart attacks : Does eating ginger provide immediate relief after a heart attack? This type of claim has been circulating on social media for quite some time. Many such claims related to the heart are being made rapidly these days. Doctors say not to trust them blindly. In fact, a heart attack occurs … Read more

After Heart Surgery You Will No Longer Have Heart Attacks. Know the Truth.

After Heart Surgery You Will No Longer Have Heart Attacks. Know the Truth.

Myths about heart attacks : One month after recovering from a heart attack is very risky. During this period, the patient must take special care of his heart. In fact, when the patient is taken to the hospital after a heart attack, heart surgery is often performed to save his life. This includes surgeries like … Read more

Do I need to take medication for the rest of my life after a heart attack?

Do I need to take medication for the rest of my life after a heart attack?

If I have a heart attack, do I need to take medication for the rest of my life? This question comes to many people’s minds. After recovering from a heart attack, do doctors recommend taking medication for the rest of your life to keep your heart healthy and prevent a second attack? Let’s know. Importance … Read more

This test will tell you if you are a heart patient or not, take it today.

This test will tell you if you are a heart patient or not, take it today.

Heart Attack: This Test Will Tell You If You Are A Heart Patient Or Not. Take It Today. Source link

Heart Attack Signs: 5 Visible Symptoms Before Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Heart Attack Signs: 5 Visible Symptoms Before Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Home Health Heart Attack Signs: 5 Visible Symptoms Before Sudden Cardiac Arrest Heart Attack Signs: It is crucial to recognize the early signs of a heart attack and receive prompt diagnosis and treatment since it can be a matter of life and death. Heart Attack Signs: 5 Visible Symptoms Before Sudden Cardiac Arrest Heart … Read more

क्या है एंजियोप्लास्टी? दिल की बीमारी में कब पड़ती है इसकी जरूरत…

क्या है एंजियोप्लास्टी? दिल की बीमारी में कब पड़ती है इसकी जरूरत…

‘हार्ट अटैक’ (Heart Attack) इन दिनों भारत में एक ऐसी बीमारी बनकर उभरी है. जिसने बड़े-बुजुर्ग के साथ-साथ नौजवान लोगों को अपना शिकार बना रही है. आए दिन हम न्यूज पेपर से लेकर न्यूज चैनल पर देखते और सुनते हैं कि जिम के दौरान लड़के को हार्ट अटैक आ गया. तो गरबा प्रैक्टिस के दौरान … Read more

जिम में क्यों आ रहा है हार्ट अटैक, इससे बचने के लिए जिम से पहले क्या करें?

जिम में क्यों आ रहा है हार्ट अटैक, इससे बचने के लिए जिम से पहले क्या करें?

<p>डॉक्टर और हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट के मुताबिक अगर हार्ट से बचना है तो आपको अपनी लाइफस्टाइल और खानपान का खास ख्याल रखना होगा. वहीं दूसरी तरफ आए दिन ऐसी खबर आती है कि जिम में वर्कआउट के दौरान हार्ट अटैक आ गया. ऐसे कई सारे उदाहरण है जिसमें जिम करने के दौरान लोगों को हार्ट अटैक … Read more