Hypertension: Does Extreme Cold Weather Raise Stroke Risk For High BP Patients? Here’s What You Need to Know

Home Health Hypertension: Does Extreme Cold Weather Raise Stroke Risk For High BP Patients? Here’s What You Need to Know As the winter season has set in, Experts warned that dipping temperatures can heighten the risk of brain stroke and haemorrhage among people with hypertension. Hypertension: Does Extreme Cold Weather Raise Stroke Risk For High … Read more

High Blood Pressure Symptoms: How to Reduce Hypertension Risks in Cold Weather? 5 Tips

Home Health High Blood Pressure Symptoms: How to Reduce Hypertension Risks in Cold Weather? 5 Tips High blood pressure is common during winter season. Read on to know how to control and reduce hypertension in order to protect our heart during the colder months. High Blood Pressure Symptoms: How to Reduce Hypertension Risks in Cold … Read more

Hypertension Symptoms: Why Blood Pressure Increases During Winter Season? Expert Speaks

Home Health Hypertension Symptoms: Why Blood Pressure Increases During Winter Season? Expert Speaks Blood pressure has a tendency to spike during winter season. Experts comment on why BP spike and how we may be able to manage hypertension winter. Hypertension Symptoms: Why Blood Pressure Increases During Winter Season? Expert Speaks (Freepik)_ Blood Pressure tends to … Read more

6 Herbs and Spices to Reduce High Blood Pressure and Protect Your Heart

Home Health Hypertension: 5 Herbs and Spices to Reduce High Blood Pressure and Protect Your Heart High blood pressure is a silent killer that has now become a growing problem. Diet can paly a vital role in lowering the blood pressure naturally an here are few herbs and spices to add savour and flavour to … Read more

Dengue And High Blood Pressure: How is This Mosquito-Borne Disease Linked With High BP – 5 Ways to Manage it

Home Health Dengue And High Blood Pressure: How is This Mosquito-Borne Disease Linked With High BP – 5 Ways to Manage it With dengue cases rising, people living with comorbidities like hypertension have become more prone to contracting the infection. But, dengue can soon turn deadly for people already having high blood pressure. A cough … Read more

Hypertension in India: With 188.3 Million Living With BP Why Only 37% Are Diagnosed? WHO Sheds Light

Home Health Hypertension in India: With 188.3 Million Living With BP Why Only 37% Are Diagnosed? WHO Sheds Light WHO released it’s first ever report on hypertension. According to its stats on India, only 37 per cent of people are diagnosed with the health condition and here is why it is a problem. Hypertension is … Read more

Hypertension: 7 Home Remedies to Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home

Home Health Hypertension: 7 Home Remedies to Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home In a recent report by WHO, 1 in 3 adults worldwide live with hypertension. With growing concerns, it is important to manage BP as naturally as possible. Hypertension: 7 Effective Home Remedies to Manage High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home High … Read more

जिम में क्यों आ रहा है हार्ट अटैक, इससे बचने के लिए जिम से पहले क्या करें?

<p>डॉक्टर और हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट के मुताबिक अगर हार्ट से बचना है तो आपको अपनी लाइफस्टाइल और खानपान का खास ख्याल रखना होगा. वहीं दूसरी तरफ आए दिन ऐसी खबर आती है कि जिम में वर्कआउट के दौरान हार्ट अटैक आ गया. ऐसे कई सारे उदाहरण है जिसमें जिम करने के दौरान लोगों को हार्ट अटैक … Read more