What to eat and what not to eat in case of loose motion, know home remedies to stop diarrhea

What to eat and what not to eat in case of loose motion, know home remedies to stop diarrhea

How To Control Lose Motion: The problem of loose motion occurs mostly only when we eat something upside down. Or the healthy food that we have bought from outside is contaminated. That is, for whatever reason bacteria have grown in it. The problem of loose motion also occurs due to drinking unclean water. Some people … Read more

Nose pimples have spoiled the beauty of the face? Try these home remedies to remove

Nose pimples have spoiled the beauty of the face?  Try these home remedies to remove

Nose Pimples: Most of the girls are troubled by the pimples coming out on the face. These pimples work to stain the beauty of the face. Often you must have seen that these pimples come out not only on the cheeks but also on the nose. This problem of pimples is seen more on oily … Read more

Changing weather is bothering you, so these home remedies will give you relief

Changing weather is bothering you, so these home remedies will give you relief

Remedies for headache: Headache is a common problem, which can happen to any person in any season. However, the headache is more bothersome in the changing season. Taking headache medicine again and again can also be harmful. This headache medicine can have a bad effect on your kidneys and liver. In such a situation, you … Read more

Try this home remedy with bath water, you will get rid of itching

Try this home remedy with bath water, you will get rid of itching

Health Care TipsWhere there are many good experiences of change in the weather, then many diseases and the risk of infection also comes along. Most of this includes dengue, malaria, fever, cold and cold etc. At the same time, most of the skin infections occur in rain, especially itching all over the body. Due to … Read more

Effective home remedies to remove fatigue and weakness in women, these 5 things must be included in the diet

Effective home remedies to remove fatigue and weakness in women, these 5 things must be included in the diet

Home Remedies For Weakeness: Women are very careless about their health, which is why fatigue and weakness starts increasing in the body at the age of 35-40 years. Women start having body aches and many problems. Sometimes the problem of weakness increases so much that it becomes difficult even to do daily work. Proper nutrition … Read more

In this infection, the parasite makes the human body a home, can make you blind

In this infection, the parasite makes the human body a home, can make you blind

Deadly diseases like cancer, diabetes, HIV are caused by the growth of a virus in the body or due to the growth of internal cells. These diseases are so deadly that if not treated on time, they can be fatal, but can you imagine that there are some diseases in which external parasites come and … Read more

Make these 3 types of magical oil at home, hair fall, two pimples and whiteness will all stop

Make these 3 types of magical oil at home, hair fall, two pimples and whiteness will all stop

Coconut Oil For Hair: Coconut oil is considered very good for hair. By massaging with coconut oil, the oil goes deep inside the hair. With this, many types of problems related to hair are removed. Although nowadays people apply very little oil. This is also a major reason for hair loss. People are falling prey … Read more

To overcome the problem of liver cirrhosis, follow these 3 effective home remedies

To overcome the problem of liver cirrhosis, follow these 3 effective home remedies

Liver Cirrhosis: Liver is an important part of our body. If there is any kind of problem in the liver then it can affect the whole body. Actually, with the help of liver, the dirt present in the body can be removed. In such a situation, if there is a problem of liver cirrhosis, then … Read more