Can cats also get bird flu, how can we protect them?

Can cats also get bird flu, how can we protect them?

Cats and avian flu: If you also like to keep cats, be careful. Because a new study has warned that pet cats can spread bird flu. Its ravages have been observed on poultry farms in America over the past two and a half years. This study published in the magazine Taylor & Francis indicates that … Read more

Avian flu can become a dangerous epidemic! Pay attention to these birds immediately

Avian flu can become a dangerous epidemic!  Pay attention to these birds immediately

Bird flu : Avian flu could become the next pandemic. Humans should be careful about this. Former CDC Director Robert Redfield warned everyone about this. As per TOI report, Redfield expressed fear that it could be more dangerous than Corona. As a result, the death toll could increase by up to 25 to 30 percent, … Read more

How safe is it to eat chicken and eggs during bird flu, know the answer from experts

How safe is it to eat chicken and eggs during bird flu, know the answer from experts

Bird flu : The risk of avian flu has been increasing for some time around the world. Concern was further heightened after the discovery of avian influenza, aka bird flu, in a person in Texas. Scientists are warning about this, they say that bird flu can cause a new epidemic, which can be 100 times … Read more