These 10 habits of yours can cause kidney damage, be alert in time

These 10 habits of yours can cause kidney damage, be alert in time

Kidney DamageTo keep the body healthy, it is very important to have a healthy kidney. With its help, we can remove the toxins present in the body. But our eating habits can have a bad effect on the liver. Therefore, it is very important to keep the kidney healthy to keep the body healthy. Today … Read more

Is low urine output also a disease? Know how it affects the body

Is low urine output also a disease?  Know how it affects the body

How Much Urine Should Pass: There is also a fixed amount of urine, which is almost equal in all normal people. According to health experts, a healthy person passes about 500 ml of urine in a day. This urine is the waste left after absorbing the essence of the water and food eaten during the … Read more

Kidney problem is increasing in youth, these are daily habits

Kidney problem is increasing in youth, these are daily habits

How to maintain kidney health: Kidney disease is one such problem which is spreading very fast in today’s time. It needs to be noted that this disease is spreading at a faster rate than breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. The special thing is that youngsters are increasingly falling prey to this … Read more

This habit of ours weakens the kidney, do not do such negligence

This habit of ours weakens the kidney, do not do such negligence

Kidney Health: The rainy season is going on. In such a situation, water contamination of drinking water is a common problem of our country. But if you accidentally consume infected water or eat stale food, then the first effect will be on the kidney and liver and the risk of infection will increase. This is … Read more

These things make the liver weak, remove it from your diet immediately

These things make the liver weak, remove it from your diet immediately

Liver Health: Liver is a very important part of our body. The liver maintains the chemical level present in the blood. Liver works to detoxify the body. Liver is the largest organ of our body. If there is a malfunction in the liver, it affects the overall health. However, people knowingly or unknowingly forget to … Read more