How desi ghee makes bones strong without calcium and protein, learn here

Desi Ghee For Bone Health: The two things that surprise the most about desi ghee are that how bones become strong by eating ghee because ghee does not contain calcium and protein. Along with this, ghee itself is fat, so how does eating ghee help in weight loss! A research related to reducing obesity has … Read more

There will be no back pain in cold, include these things in the diet from now

Vitamins For Strong Bones: In winter, people are troubled by back pain, joint pain and bone pain. Arthritis patients start having a lot of problems in surgeries. Bones get stiff in the cold, due to which it becomes very difficult to get up and sit. In such a situation, to keep bones healthy and strong, … Read more

Tired of back and joint pain? Include these vitamins in the diet

Nutrition For Strong Bones: With age, there is a shortage of nutrients in the body. Especially after 40 years of age, the problem of bone pain and joint pain starts bothering women. In the cold, the bones of arthritis patients get stuck. In such a situation, you need to take great care of your health. … Read more