What is Gluten Free Diet, how to identify the allergy to food containing gluten?

Symptoms Of Guten Allergies: Wheat is the staple diet in India. People eat wheat bread, parathas, puris and churma with great fervor. A protein called gluten is found in foods such as wheat, barley and rye, to which some people are sensitive. Such people have the problem of ‘gluten intolerance’. This also includes people with … Read more

Before buying honey, identify real and fake, identify with these tips

Honey Identify: From enhancing the beauty of the skin to reducing weight, honey is used. This can have many benefits for your skin and body, but these days adulterated honey is being found in the market. It can harm your health instead of benefiting. In such a situation, it is very important to identify real … Read more

What is Parkinson’s disease, identify with these symptoms, are you also a victim of it?

Major Symptoms Of Parkinson’s: The hands and feet become numb in Parkinson’s disease. The brain stops working properly. The brain loses the ability to control the rest of the body. It is a neurodegenerative disorder. After the age of 60, this disease affects some people. However, it is difficult to understand this disease in the … Read more

How to identify silent heart attack, know how to prevent it

Silent Heart Attack: Many times people get silent heart attack, which they are not even able to identify. People ignore the problem of mild chest pain or sudden shortness of breath as a simple matter. According to a study, about 45 percent of people do not have any symptoms of heart attack. Such a condition … Read more

Tricks: Even if you are not eating fake ghee, identify real ghee like this

Tricks: Different types of Ghee of different brands are available in the market. Cow’s ghee is only buffalo’s, pure ghee’s and in what ways are they trying to sell themselves? But we do not understand which brand and which type of ghee will be good for our health. Ghee not only enhances the taste of … Read more

Identify thyroid with these symptoms, know what to eat to remove thyroid?

Thyroid SymptomsThyroid patients are increasing rapidly all over the world. Today 4 out of every 10 people are suffering from thyroid disease. Thyroid problems are increasing due to increasing obesity, poor lifestyle and disturbances in hormones. There are two types of thyroid – hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. It has a butterfly shaped gland on the inside … Read more