Most women ignore these symptoms of thyroid, be alert

Thyroid Gland: The thyroid gland is located in the area of ​​our throat and it is very small. But it plays an important role in keeping our body healthy and protecting it from many diseases. The thyroid gland also plays a big role in maintaining our metabolic system right. If this gland works too much … Read more

The child may have loss of appetite, there may be zinc deficiency, do not ignore these symptoms

Zinc For Kids Health: Vitamins and minerals are very important for the proper development of children. Zinc is also a mineral that is necessary to increase the height, thickness and immunity of children. In the development of children, take special care that there is no deficiency of zinc in your child’s body. However, it becomes … Read more

If there is a burning sensation in the chest, do not ignore it, apart from heart attack, these diseases can be a sign

Heart Burn Problem: When there is a burning sensation in the chest, there is a strange feeling of nervousness and restlessness. Many times there is a strong burning sensation in the middle of the chest. Many times we ignore it, but if there is more trouble, then the fear of heart attack starts troubling. If … Read more

These symptoms are visible on the face due to lack of vitamin C, do not ignore

Vitamin C For Skin: Vitamin C is also very important to make our skin healthy and beautiful. Vitamin C is good for the health of eyes, hair and skin. If there is a deficiency of Vitamin C in the body, then it also weakens the immunity power of the body. Its effect is also visible … Read more