Which diseases are caused by a deficiency of which vitamin? Learn from Swami Ramdev

Which diseases are caused by a deficiency of which vitamin? Learn from Swami Ramdev

We can discover diseases caused by minerals, vitamin deficiencies and nutrition present in our body. For example, by looking at your hair we can tell if your hair will fall out or if your hair will turn gray quickly. If your eyes are swollen or puffy, have your vitamin K and B-12 levels checked. White … Read more

Why do doctors refuse to take iron and calcium tablets together?

Why do doctors refuse to take iron and calcium tablets together?

Iron-Calcium for women: Calcium and iron are two very important nutrients for women’s health. If they are deficient, they can face many problems. Calcium strengthens bones, teeth and heart, while iron prevents anemia and keeps diseases away. However, when these two are deficient, supplements, i.e. medications, are necessary. In such a situation, some precautions should … Read more

These symptoms start appearing due to iron deficiency in the body, otherwise correct it like this…

These symptoms start appearing due to iron deficiency in the body, otherwise correct it like this…

If we want to keep our body fit and healthy, we need to keep our diet and lifestyle very good. Besides, exercising for half a bell a day is also very important. To keep the body fit and energetic throughout the day, we need many nutrients. If any of them are deficient, our body begins … Read more

Turning 30? All Women Must Add These 5 Essential Nutrients

Turning 30? All Women Must Add These 5 Essential Nutrients

Home Health Turning 30? All Women MUST Add These 5 Essential Nutrients As we age, so does our body and women also need to be a extra mindful of their nutrient content. Expert enlists essential nutrients to add in diet and why. Turning 30? All Women Must Add These 5 Essential Nutrients (Freepik) Contemporary times … Read more

Iron to Vitamin C, 7 Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Impact Your Mood

Iron to Vitamin C, 7 Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Impact Your Mood

Home Health Iron to Vitamin C, 7 Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Impact Your Mood Eating right doesn’t only help the body, it greatly affects mental health too. Read on to know the connection between food deficiencies and mood swings. Iron to Vitamin C, 7 Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Impact Your Mood Mood disorders have a … Read more

फूल रही सांस, भूख-प्यास भी हो गई है कम, यानि शरीर में हो रही है आयरन की कमी, ऐसे करें दूर

फूल रही सांस, भूख-प्यास भी हो गई है कम, यानि शरीर में हो रही है  आयरन की कमी, ऐसे करें दूर

Iron Deficiency : शरीर में आयरन की कमी खतरनाक हो सकती है. इसकी वजह से कई तरह की समस्याएं पैदा हो सकती हैं. न ठीक से भूख लगती है और ना ही प्यास लगती है. सांस फूलने लगता है और कमजोरी महसूस होने लगती है. आयरन की कमी (Iron Deficiency) का सबसे आम लक्षण एनीमिया कहलाता … Read more

इन कारणों से पीरियड्स में होता है ज्यादा थकान, जानें इसका समाधान

इन कारणों से पीरियड्स में होता है ज्यादा थकान, जानें इसका समाधान

Tiredness During Periods : पीरियड्स के दौरान महिलाओं को थकान महसूस होना आम बात है. इसके पीछे कई कारण हो सकते हैं.  पीरियड के दौरान होने वाले रक्त स्राव से शरीर में आयरन की स्तर में कमी , खून की कमी आदि हो सकता है, जिससे हेमोग्लोबिन की स्तर में गिरावट होती है. जब हेमोग्लोबिन … Read more

Iron Deficiency: 6 Major Symptoms to Know And How to Increase Iron Absorption From Everyday Diet

Iron Deficiency: 6 Major Symptoms to Know And How to Increase Iron Absorption From Everyday Diet

Home Health Iron deficiency: 6 main symptoms to know about and how to increase the absorption of iron from the daily diet Iron deficiency: Iron is important for hemoglobin and we know that foods like green leafy vegetables, lentils, ragi etc. They are rich in iron. But do you know how to better absorb the … Read more