Rosemary oil is a panacea for falling and lifeless hair, learn how to apply

Rosemary oil is a panacea for falling and lifeless hair, learn how to apply

Rosemary Oil for Hair: If you are troubled by the loss of lifeless hair, then rosemary oil can prove to be very healthy for your hair. Antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties present in rosemary oil can protect your hair and scalp. With its help, your hair gets stronger. Also, it can keep the hair away from the … Read more

Lavender oil is a home remedy for mood swings and anxiety, learn how to use

Lavender oil is a home remedy for mood swings and anxiety, learn how to use

Cause Of Blue Mood: The weather of October is very pleasant. Neither the heat hurts nor the winter trembles. Together, the fragrance of Parijat flowers makes the surrounding area fragrant every night. This season is also great in terms of excursions. But there is a little challenging in the matter of health, whether it is … Read more

How much ghee is good for health? Learn

How much ghee is good for health?  Learn

How much ghee is good for your health: Until recently, people who were worried about weight and figure did not eat ghee in their food. People used to believe that eating ghee would increase their weight. However, today’s scene is different. Ghee is now considered a superfood and some amount of ghee is beneficial for … Read more

Why is there swelling in the thyroid? Learn easy and home remedies to remove

Why is there swelling in the thyroid?  Learn easy and home remedies to remove

Swelling in Thyroid: Thyroid cases have seen an increase for a long time. This is a problem that occurs in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is located in the back of our neck and it controls the metabolism of our body. Thyroid problems are seen more in women than men, which is usually seen … Read more

What are the causes of swollen eyelids? Learn Remedies and Home Remedies

What are the causes of swollen eyelids?  Learn Remedies and Home Remedies

Swelling in Eyelids: Eyelids are a very important part of our body to protect the eyes. Actually, the eyelids protect the eyes from the fall of dust, soil and mosquitoes etc. At the same time, it is seen many times that there is swelling on the eyelids. However, this is a very common situation. This … Read more

Don’t mistake dengue as viral fever, learn how to recognize it

Don’t mistake dengue as viral fever, learn how to recognize it

Dengue And Viral Fever: With the change in weather, the outbreak of dengue has started increasing. It is very difficult to differentiate between seasonal diseases and dengue. Sometimes this mistake becomes dangerous for health. Nowadays the risk of dengue has increased even without symptoms. Many times people misunderstand dengue as viral fever and start treatment … Read more

Which ghee is perfect for health, cow or buffalo? learn here

Which ghee is perfect for health, cow or buffalo?  learn here

Difference Between Cow Ghee & Buffalo Ghee: All doctors who treat with Ayurvedic method recommend their patients to eat ghee, except in case where it is forbidden for the patient to take lube. Mother, grandmother and grandmother also advise to eat desi ghee at home. Many a times, we quarrel because of not eating ghee … Read more