Make these changes in daily life to avoid body pain and heaviness

How to avoid laziness: After January passes and with the arrival of February, the winter season starts to go away. Because from February to mid-March, sometimes there is more winter and sometimes there is a period of hot summer. The effect of this changing season is also visible on the body. You can identify this … Read more

You must have heard the name of antioxidants, know here how they help in staying healthy?

What are antioxidants: Whenever there is talk of health, the mention of foods rich in antioxidants definitely comes. Especially since the corona virus, immunity and antioxidants, these two names have been heard so many times that they have gone on everyone’s tongue. However, most people are not aware about what antioxidants are and how they … Read more

Life gets derailed again and again, so make these habits your partner

How To Start Day: We all want our life to be managed and smooth, but this happens to very few people. Most of the people avoid taking the responsibility of this situation by blaming their luck and circumstances and are not able to put enough effort to get the things in life which they aspire … Read more

Control your drinking addiction like this, you will be happy even without spilling the jam

Tips To stop drinking alcohol: Consumption of alcohol harms the body, it becomes the cause of many lifestyle problems and health problems, even after knowing all this, some people are not able to stay away from alcohol even if they want to (How to stop drinking alcohol). If you or someone of yours is going … Read more

Know, how to use sesame oil in food and what are its benefits

How to use Sesame oil: Sesame oil has been a part of our diet for centuries. In the old days, the houses where desi ghee was not available, they used to eat sesame oil in dal, vegetables and khichdi instead of ghee. This oil is not only full of health properties but also full of … Read more