बार-बार फटते हैं होंठ तो हो जाएं सतर्क, कहीं ये किसी गंभीर बीमारी का इशारा तो नहीं

Cracking Lips Indication: सर्दी हो गर्मी हो या फिर बरसात, अगर हर मौसम में आपके होंठ बार-बार किनारे से फटते हैं तो उससे जानबूझकर नजरअंदाज ना करें. दरअसल यह कोई सामान्य लक्षण नहीं है बल्कि ये  किसी बीमारी का संकेत हो सकता है.  आपको बता दें कि आकर बार-बार यही समस्या आ रही है तो ये … Read more

Silent cancer captures the body in this way, identify the symptoms like this

Silent Cancers: Most of the symptoms of cancer are not visible in the beginning and that is why people start taking stomach pain or back pain lightly, although it is not that every pain in stomach and back can be the beginning of cancer. But then you need to be careful. Suffering from any problem … Read more

Do not ignore these initial symptoms of oral cancer considering it as a minor disease.

Oral Cancer Symptoms: Disease like cancer kills half of the people who eat tobacco. There are many forms in which tobacco is used such as cigarettes, e-cigarettes, pipes, cigars and chewing (smokeless) tobacco. Tobacco use and heavy alcohol consumption are the main causes of cancer in developing countries. More than 80% of cancer cases in … Read more

Chapped lips are not only due to cold, your diet is also responsible…

Lip Care in Winter: People often take the problem of chapped lips lightly. Many come out after applying cream. But know today that chapped lips can also mean upset stomach. By the way, as soon as winter starts, everyone’s skin becomes dry. One reason for this is that the air becomes dry in winter, which … Read more

Not with Vaseline, this oil can heal chapped lips overnight

Dry Lips: As soon as the cold weather comes, it has become like a custom to crack the lips. As soon as winter comes, children, old people and all of you are also troubled by chapped lips. No matter how many creams you apply or use Vaseline, the process of chapped lips continues. Sometimes the … Read more

Troubled by dryness of lips during pregnancy, try these tips

Tips For Taking Care Of Lips: During pregnancy, pregnant women have to face many such problems, which they hardly know about. Here we are telling you about a small but such problem, which every pregnant woman has to face and that is dry lips. Because of this, they may have to face many problems. Come, … Read more

Repeatedly cracking lips, do not ignore, treat like this

Lips Treatment: Do your lips also get cracked from the edge again and again? If so, do not ignore it as it can be a sign of some disease. If this problem is coming again and again then it can also be angular cheilitis. This disease is an inflammation of the skin that occurs at … Read more

Get Rid Of Dark Lips: This dirty habit of yours makes your lips black, quit them today

How To Get Rid Of Dark Lips: Everyone wants that along with his skin, his lips should also be the identity of beauty. But you know that due to some of your own mistakes, your lips become lifeless and dark. Yes, today we will tell you that due to which mistakes can turn your lips … Read more