Indians Predisposed to Insulin Resistance More Prone to Fatty Liver Disease

Health experts suggest that Indians have a high predisposition to insulin resistance and are at higher risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). “Studies show that, based on a combination of environmental and genetic factors, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is prevalent in 9 to 53 percent of the general population (1✔ ✔Reliable sourceNon-alcoholic … Read more

India in Top 10 for Two-Thirds of Hepatitis B & C Cases

According to the 2024 Global Hepatitis Report by the World Health Organization (WHO), India ranks among the top 10 countries globally, representing nearly two-thirds of the burden of hepatitis B and C combined. (1✔ ✔Trusted SourceGlobal hepatitis report 2024: action for access in low Go to source ) The 10 countries are China, India, Indonesia, … Read more

अधिक मीठा खाने से सिर्फ शुगर ही नहीं होती हैं ये 5 खतरनाक बीमारियां

अधिक मीठा खाने से सिर्फ शुगर ही नहीं होती हैं ये 5 खतरनाक बीमारियां Source link

रोजाना मीठे ड्रिंक्स पीने वालों हो जाओ सावधान! नहीं तो जिंदगी को ‘जहन्नुम’ बना देगी ये बीमारी

क्या आप रोजाना शुगरी या मीठे ड्रिंक्स पीती हैं? अगर आपका जवाब ‘हां’ है तो अब वक्त आ गया है कि अपनी इस आदत को जितनी जल्दी हो सके आप बदल लें. क्योंकि ये आदत आपको एक गंभीर बीमारी का शिकार बना सकती है. मैसाचुसेट्स में ब्रिघम और विमन हॉस्पिटल के नेतृत्व में कुछ रिसर्चर्स … Read more

Bleeding from the nose, have you become a victim of this serious liver disease?

Fatty Liver Symptoms: Liver is a big part of the digestive system. If there is a slight disturbance in the liver, then the digestive system gets completely disturbed. All the symptoms like lack of appetite, vomiting, nausea, stomach is not clear. One such liver disease is fatty liver. There are two types of fatty liver. … Read more

This problem in the teeth, is it a dangerous disease of the liver? Just look in the mirror and identify it like this.

Liver Damage: Liver is a very important organ of the body. It is seen as a unit of the digestive system. Alcohol, contaminated food increases the risk of liver damage. Many types of symptoms appear before there is a disturbance in the liver. It is very important to take care of those symptoms for the … Read more

Not only alcohol, fatty liver also occurs due to these reasons.

Fatty Liver Symptoms: Liver is an important organ of the body. It makes a big contribution to the digestive system. If the problem starts in the liver, then the whole process of digestion gets disturbed. Doctors say that if there is any kind of disturbance in the liver, then it gives a signal. Symptoms like … Read more