Why does vomiting occur during pregnancy, for how long does it last?

Cause Of Vomiting During Pregnancy: Do you know why vomiting occurs during pregnancy? Why after marriage, when women vomit, they are asked whether they are pregnant. The problem of vomiting during pregnancy is usually felt most in the morning. The mind remains bad and due to this there is a lot of restlessness. This problem … Read more

Every person living in a relationship should know these 5 things…. Long term relationship will work

Healthy Relationship Sign: If every person in the world lives in a relationship, then he wants to keep his relationship healthy, but there are many people who do not recognize good and bad, just get tied up in any relationship, but let us tell you that every relationship There is a yardstick to measure, in … Read more

What is the right time for dinner? How long after eating is sleeping beneficial for the body

Dinner TimingDiet and good lifestyle are necessary for the body to remain healthy and fit. In today’s run-of-the-mill life, people do not even have time to eat. When they get free time from work, family or anything else, they eat food. Eating food whenever you want is harmful for health. According to doctors, every person … Read more

How long should I walk after eating?

Many new diseases are arising due to bad lifestyle. You must have often seen people lie down after having food or sit at one place for a long time. Lying down or sitting in one place immediately after eating food can invite many serious diseases. If you go to sleep immediately after having dinner, then … Read more

One should sunbathe in winter, but at what time and for how long is it okay to stay in the sun?

The sun with which people steal their lives in the summer season, with the same sun, people start loving in winter. Leaving their work, people want to stay in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes in winter. The heat that sunlight provides to the body, that heat is not available from anything else. The … Read more

Is the child lethargic even after sleeping for a long time? Know how many hours it is necessary for him to sleep

Baby Sleep Advice : Full and deep sleep is very important for everyone, be it children or adults. Body and mind get rest only by good sleep. After exhausting the whole day, we are able to start the next day with energy. If sleep is disturbed, then many health related disturbances start happening. At the … Read more

There is a sore throat for a long time, are these diseases flourishing?

Throat Infection: Winter has knocked. People are complaining of cough and sore throat due to the grip of cold. Doctors say that there can be a sore throat due to common cold or viral fever. It can also be a kind of bacterial infection. But do you know that a sore throat can be a … Read more

Strong bones are a sign of a long and healthy life, their health may have to be ignored

Health Tips: In today’s time when people have become more dedicated about jobs, it is becoming difficult to pay attention to their health. Young people today pay full attention to other things, but when it comes to health, they ignore it many times. But this ignorance can take a toll on your health. Due to work … Read more