There is a lot of acidity so this disease can happen in the long run

There is a lot of acidity so this disease can happen in the long run

Acidic Signs: There is a lot of acidity so this disease can happen in the long run. Source link

This disease can be caused by eating rock salt for a long time, know the right way to use it

This disease can be caused by eating rock salt for a long time, know the right way to use it

Rock Salt Side Effects: Rock salt, also known as rock salt, pink salt and Himalayan salt, is very beneficial for health. Nowadays many people have started using it instead of common salt. Earlier people used this salt only in fasting, but now people also use rock salt in daily food. This salt is beneficial for … Read more

How long does dengue fever last? Know the symptoms and important advice

How long does dengue fever last?  Know the symptoms and important advice

Dengue Fever: Dengue fever is caused by mosquito bites. Due to dengue fever, the platelet count starts decreasing in the patient’s body. Along with this, symptoms like severe pain in the body, joint pain, physical weakness, vomiting are seen. People often get scared when there is dengue, how long will its fever last. If you … Read more

Walnuts get damp in the rain, you can keep fresh by adopting these measures for a long time

Walnuts get damp in the rain, you can keep fresh by adopting these measures for a long time

kitchen tips: You must have thought that we had packed the walnuts in a very good way and kept them in the jar, but how did it get damp, so today we will tell you why this happens often during the rainy season and how you can keep it for a long time. (Walnut Store … Read more

Eat grapes daily for long life, you will also stay away from these diseases

Eat grapes daily for long life, you will also stay away from these diseases

Grapes Benefits: Many people like the sour sweet taste of grapes. Especially children like grapes very much. Along with taste, it is also very beneficial for health. Recently, research has been done that regular consumption of grapes can lead to longevity. Actually, it contains high quality fats, which can reduce the risk of liver disease. … Read more

Women who eat these 5 things, stay young for a long time

Women who eat these 5 things, stay young for a long time

Women Healthy Diet And food: Every woman wants to look young and beautiful for a long time. However, it is also a matter that age starts showing on the face of women sooner than men. Many times this happens due to carelessness in food and not taking proper care of the skin. Women are very … Read more

Is it dangerous to do more gym, know how long to workout for fitness

Is it dangerous to do more gym, know how long to workout for fitness

Side Effects Of Over Exercise: In the last few years, the craze for fitness among people has increased a lot. In such a situation, people exercise for hours in the gym. Staying fit and exercising for it is a good thing, but for some people, exercise becomes a fad. He exercises hard for hours. For … Read more

Long and beautiful nails can harm health, know how

Long and beautiful nails can harm health, know how

Nail Hygiene Tips: Women have often been seen that they are fond of growing their nails. These beautiful looking nails of yours can harm your health in many ways. Yes, absolutely this thing has come to the fore in a research. Due to cleanliness of hands and not trimming long nails, outside dirt and germs … Read more