Petroleum jelly is used a lot in winter, know when it can cause harm

Petroleum jelly is used a lot in winter, know when it can cause harm

Petroleum jelly Benefits and safety: Soon petroleum jelly will be visible in every house because winter is about to come. Anyway, this is one such cosmetic product, which everyone uses in winters. Petroleum jelly is a mixture of mineral oils and wax. It not only protects the skin from cracking but also prevents dullness. Most … Read more

These 5 diseases make you cry a lot in September-October, take care or consult a doctor

These 5 diseases make you cry a lot in September-October, take care or consult a doctor

Diseases: The months of September and October are prone to many diseases. Actually, in these months the rains end, due to which the accumulation of water around us becomes very high. Mosquitoes and dirt spread a lot due to stagnation of water. In such a situation, there is a risk of increasing many bacterial and … Read more

If you buy gold, it will be a lot, but if you eat this thing like gold, then there will be miraculous benefits in these 7 diseases.

If you buy gold, it will be a lot, but if you eat this thing like gold, then there will be miraculous benefits in these 7 diseases.

Everyone likes to buy gold. Many people keep buying gold for bad times. But today we are telling about such a thing that looks like gold, which if you eat then your health will not deteriorate. This thing like gold gives miraculous benefits in more than 10 diseases. However, before eating it, definitely understand how … Read more

Eat this fruit a lot in this season, your body’s immunity will increase for winter

Eat this fruit a lot in this season, your body’s immunity will increase for winter

Benefits of Apple: On off-season apples get Rs 200 to Rs 300 a kg but for the next 1 month the market will be full of apples. Apple season lasts till September and mid-October and if you buy cheaply, you will get 60-70 rupees a kg. If you also want to take advantage of this … Read more

A lot of fat is increasing below the waist, so do these 2 yogasanas daily, you will be perfectly fit

A lot of fat is increasing below the waist, so do these 2 yogasanas daily, you will be perfectly fit

Yoga For Lower Body Weight Loss: Some people are troubled by the weight gain in the lower part of the body. Especially a lot of fat gets accumulated on the lower body parts of women. The fat on the hips and thighs comes most quickly and is the most difficult to reduce. In such a … Read more

Pain killers cause a lot of damage to the body, use this way to avoid side effects

Pain killers cause a lot of damage to the body, use this way to avoid side effects

Side Effects Of Painkiller Tablets: We all use pain killers. Sometimes to get relief from common problem like headache and sometimes to get immediate relief in severe pain of any disease. In this situation, pain killers are like a panacea. There is a different craze towards pain killers among the youth. This generation, which is … Read more

Healthy Veins: If the nerves of the body are weak then there is a lot of damage, make them strong with these measures

Healthy Veins: If the nerves of the body are weak then there is a lot of damage, make them strong with these measures

Veins Strong Tips To improve physical functions, it is very important to have healthy nerves. It is through the veins that the flow of blood and oxygen to the parts of our body is better. In such a situation, if the nerves become weak, then due to this many problems start occurring. Therefore it is … Read more

These diseases spread a lot in August and September, take care

These diseases spread a lot in August and September, take care

Seasonal Diseases Prevention Tips: The month of August is at its last stop and there is a lot of change in the weather too. However, this time in August, that kind of rain has not been seen, for which the month of August is known. It is the effect of global warming that it is … Read more