Dry Cough: Dry cough has become bad, trying these home remedies will give instant relief

Dry Cough Symptoms: Recently there are many people who are reporting cases of viral infection, in which cough is the main problem with high fever which subsides in more than a week. However the cough is something that is not going away and is turning into a chronic cough which goes away after 4-6 weeks. … Read more

What is alkaline diet and what are the benefits, know how to measure pH level

What Is Alkaline Diet: Nowadays people are taking from alkaline water to alkaline diet. In this, you include such foods, which instead of producing acid in the body, produce alkaline elements ie alkaline elements. Due to this the pH level of your body remains balanced. It is said that this diet can cure deadly diseases … Read more

Home Remedies: If you are troubled by cold and flu in the summer season, then follow these tips

Home Remedies: If you are troubled by cold and flu in the summer season, then follow these tips. Source link