Should you avoid eating sweets during your period? Know what the whole truth is

Should you avoid eating sweets during your period? Know what the whole truth is

Do you also crave donuts or sweets during your period? Or has it ever happened that during your period you want to eat a whole tub of ice cream. Well you are not alone, this happens to many people. In stressful situations, we often want to eat something sweet. But let us tell you that … Read more

Is the blood that comes out during periods really a waste of the body? here is the answer

Is the blood that comes out during periods really a waste of the body? here is the answer

How long do healthy periods last? Does PMS really exist? There are many myths and imaginations related to menstruation that enter the minds of many people. It is therefore important to repair them immediately. It’s important for people to know that menstrual blood is not impure. Like blood coming from any other part of the … Read more

Feeling Feverish and Tired During Menstrual Cycle? This is Could be a Sign of Period Flu – All You Need to Know

Feeling Feverish and Tired During Menstrual Cycle? This is Could be a Sign of Period Flu – All You Need to Know

Home Health Do you feel feverish and tired during your menstrual cycle? This could be a symptom of menstrual flu: everything you need to know Are headaches and digestive problems common during the menstrual cycle? Here’s what you should know about menstrual flu Period pain is different for every woman. For some, it can be … Read more

Why is “Menstrual Hygiene Day” celebrated every year, know its history and theme

Why is “Menstrual Hygiene Day” celebrated every year, know its history and theme

World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024: World Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated every year on May 28 around the world. It is celebrated so that women are aware of cleanliness during menstruation. Menstruation is a natural process that occurs in women. Every woman has to experience this after a certain age. If women do not maintain … Read more

How Obsessive Compulsive Disorder May Affect Menstrual Cycle? 5 Things to Know

How Obsessive Compulsive Disorder May Affect Menstrual Cycle? 5 Things to Know

Home Health How can obsessive compulsive disorder affect the menstrual cycle? 5 things you should know OCD can be related to the menstrual cycle through several factors, such as compulsive behaviors, intrusive thoughts, and hormonal influences. How can obsessive compulsive disorder affect the menstrual cycle? Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) makes you worry a lot and … Read more

Heart Health in Women: How Menopause Impacts Your Cardiovascular System? 7 Preventive Tips to Know

Heart Health in Women: How Menopause Impacts Your Cardiovascular System? 7 Preventive Tips to Know

Home Health Heart Health in Women: How Menopause Impacts Your Cardiovascular System? 7 Preventive Tips to Know Women often face several health challenges post menopause. Sometimes one may develop certain heart complications. Experts speaks on few preventive measure women can adapt. Heart Health in Women: How Menopause Impacts Your Cardiovascular System? 7 Preventive Tips to … Read more

सर्दियों में बढ़ जाते हैं पीरियड्स के दर्द… आइए जाने सही या गलत

सर्दियों में बढ़ जाते हैं पीरियड्स के दर्द… आइए जाने सही या गलत

Health Tips: सर्दियों में बढ़ जाते हैं पीरियड्स के दर्द… आइए जाने सही या गलत? Source link

सर्दियों में बढ़ जाते हैं पीरियड्स के दर्द या है सिर्फ मन का वहम

सर्दियों में बढ़ जाते हैं पीरियड्स के दर्द या है सिर्फ मन का वहम

किसी भी महिला के लिए पीरियड्स के वो 5 दिन आम दिनों से काफी ज्यादा अलग और भारी होते हैं. इन 5 दिनों के दौरान महिलाओं को पेट दर्द, बैक पैन और कमर दर्द की परेशानी से गुजरना पड़ सकता है. अक्सर ऐसा कहा जाता है कि गर्मियों के मुकाबले सर्दियों में यह दर्द बढ़ … Read more