Now breath can be taken not only through the nose but also from the anus, scientists have made a shocking claim

Now breath can be taken not only through the nose but also from the anus, scientists have made a shocking claim

Breathe Out Of Your Bum: Lungs or gills are used in many animals to breathe in and out, although there are exceptions, loaches, catfish, and spiders breathe through the intestines when there is a lack of oxygen in their environment. A discovery by Japanese scientists has also proved it to be true that some animals … Read more

A Mouse Study Just Revealed a New Molecular Link Between Hunger And Exercise

A Mouse Study Just Revealed a New Molecular Link Between Hunger And Exercise

It is well established that regular exercise it benefits our bodies, particularly in protecting against obesity, but scientists continue to take a closer look at why this happens at the molecular level. In a new study, scientists put mice through intense treadmill workouts and analyzed how chemicals in the animals’ cells began to change over … Read more