वेट लॉस कर रहीं हैं तो अपनी डाइट में जरूर शामिल करें देसी घी

Desi Ghee For Weight Loss : घी का नाम सुनते ही आपके दिमाग में मोटापे की बात आ जाती है. ज्यादातर लोग यह सोचते हैं कि घी खाने से मोटापा बढेगा. लेकिन यह सच नहीं है घी में कैलोरी अधिक होती है लेकिन इसके आलावा इसमें कई विटामिन, कैल्शियम, फॉस्फोरस, मिनरल और पोटैशियम जैसे भी … Read more

Clean the lungs in these natural ways in pollution, the disease will remain away

Air Pollution in Delhi: Air pollution has taken a dangerous form in Delhi and its surrounding areas for the last few days. Since Diwali, a thick blanket of smog has engulfed the country’s capital Delhi. According to the report, this is the first time in three years that the level of pollution in the city … Read more

Viral Disease: In these natural ways the immune system will be so strong, the disease will not pass away

Viral Fever: Sometimes it rains sometimes summer and little cold. All these are seasons inviting diseases. There is water logging at places due to rain. This has increased the risk of dengue and malaria. Viral fever has spread due to the same heat and mild winter. On the other hand, dengue is also wreaking havoc … Read more

What is Anxiety Disorder? Get away with these natural ways

Anxiety Disorders: In the recent past, you must have heard a lot of name of anxiety. Actually, changing lifestyle has a great impact on our health. Anxiety disorder is a type of mental illness in which there is panic over every little thing. In this disease, the person is always troubled by some problem or … Read more

The most natural way to remove stretch marks, you will not have to worry

Stretch Marks: Any mark on the body is not good which reduces our beauty. Stretch Marks ie marks, they happen not only on the stomach but on the hands and feet. When the skin starts stretching, the collagen starts to weaken, due to which fine lines start appearing. Stretches also come from pregnancy, sudden weight … Read more

Mosquito Repellent: These natural methods can drive away mosquitoes from homes

Make Mosquito Repellant: What we do not do to avoid mosquitoes in monsoon season. For this, cleanliness is necessary as well as you also use a coil or liquid machine to drive away mosquitoes. Let us tell you that all the ingredients used in these chemicals and chemical substances can prove to be fatal for … Read more

Cure Headache: Do not use painkillers for headache, but follow these natural methods, you will definitely get relief

Painkiller for Headache: Headache is becoming a common problem due to which hardly anyone has remained untouched. Headache is also becoming more common, using painkillers to get rid of it. Yes, nowadays people have started considering headache so common that they think that without medicine it cannot be cured. Which they get into a bad … Read more

Are you worried about dry cough? Make natural cough syrup at home, easy way

Natural Cough Syrup : Almost everyone has a cough with mucus at some point in their life. But do you know how to get dry cough? From acid reflux to allergies, many things can cause a dry cough. At the same time, in some cases, there is no clear reason for dry cough. If you … Read more