These people do not have chest pain before heart attack, do not ignore normal symptoms

These people do not have chest pain before heart attack, do not ignore normal symptoms

Cause Of Heart Attack: Heart attack cases are increasing very fast in the last one year. Especially in the youth, cases of heart attack are being seen a lot after Corona (Post Covid Heart Attack). If someone is dying due to heart attack while dancing, then someone suddenly leaves the world due to heart attack … Read more

Follow these habits for normal delivery

Follow these habits for normal delivery

Natural Birth: After conceiving a child, a pregnant woman has to take special care of herself for the next 9 months. During pregnancy, the thing that knocks in the mind of a woman every hour, every day is that how the child will be normal or C-section. Especially women who become mothers for the first … Read more

Normal delivery is better for children, know the reason

Normal delivery is better for children, know the reason

Normal Delivery: Does the way you are born decide what your immunity system will be like? And how will the body produce antibodies after taking the vaccine. Research carried out by the University of Edinburgh as well as Spaarne Hospital and Utrecht University Medical Center in the Netherlands found that babies born through normal or … Read more

Is normal delivery more beneficial? learn

Is normal delivery more beneficial?  learn

Normal Delivery Instead of C-Section: It is difficult to put into words the pain a mother goes through during the 9 months of pregnancy. When the pregnancy of 9 months is in the last phase and the child is ready to be born, then the mother has to go through the most difficult time of … Read more

What is the difference between a migraine and a normal headache? Learn Symptoms and Prevention

What is the difference between a migraine and a normal headache?  Learn Symptoms and Prevention

Migraine Symptoms: In today’s hectic lifestyle, many types of diseases enter our body and we do not even know about it. One of such diseases is the disease of migraine. Many times it happens that the headache which we think of as a normal headache is actually a migraine. Let me tell you this in … Read more

Excessive hunger is not a normal condition, it could be binge eating disorder

Excessive hunger is not a normal condition, it could be binge eating disorder

Binge Eating Disorder : If you or someone you know is eating more food than you need or more than your appetite, or he is feeling hungry again and again, then he may be a victim of binge eating. It is a kind of disorder. Binge eating is a habit of overeating or a problem … Read more

What should be the platelet count of a normal person? Learn ways to increase

What should be the platelet count of a normal person?  Learn ways to increase

Platelets Count: With the change of season, the chances of getting many types of diseases increase. These diseases include dengue, chikungunya and malaria. These days the cases of dengue are increasing continuously in the country. In dengue fever, the platelet count of a person becomes very low. Apart from this, platelet count can also be … Read more

Baby does not behave like normal children, then pay attention to these things, it may be due to autism

Baby does not behave like normal children, then pay attention to these things, it may be due to autism

What is Autoism: Autism is a neuro development problem. Children who have this problem are not socialized well. Whereas man is a social animal and without any interaction our life is not possible. Humans have language to be social. But children with autism talk very little and what they say is very difficult for parents … Read more