If there is a deficiency of B12 in the body, the symptoms appear like this, do you know what the level should be in a healthy person?

If there is a deficiency of B12 in the body, the symptoms appear like this, do you know what the level should be in a healthy person? Source link

शरीर के इन पांच हिस्सों का सुन्न होना देता है हार्ट अटैक का संकेत, भूलकर भी ना करें नजरअंदाज

Heart Attack Symptoms: क्या आपको भी शरीर के कुछ हिस्सों में झुनझुनी महसूस होती है या फिर कुछ समय के लिए शरीर के अंग बिल्कुल सुन्न और ठंडे पड़ जाते हैं, तो हो सकता है कि यह हार्ट अटैक का संकेत हो. यह हम यूं ही नहीं कह रहे बल्कि रिसर्च में भी यह बात साबित … Read more

If you are troubled by the problem of joint pain and numbness, then keep this one thing in mind

Joint Pain And Back Pain: If we talk about joint pain, then after knee pain and heel pain and back pain, then the problem of lower back pain has started troubling most of the youth. Usually youth do not understand the reason for this problem because they feel that they do essential activities like stretching … Read more

Why there is numbness and restless feeling in the hand, know the reason and solution

Carpal tunnel syndrome: Numbness or tingling in the middle of the hand is a common thing as long as it happens after you do some heavy work or sit in one position for a long time. But if you are having this problem often then it should not be ignored. Because this problem can also … Read more