People Who Identify As Empaths & HSPs Are Happier When Eating 8 Specific, Protective Foods

People often ask me about the healthy foods and drinks that are part of my daily and weekly life. This is an important question, especially for empathic and highly sensitive people (HSPs). Food is love to the body. nourish yourself well. I’m a big proponent of simplicity, so there’s no pressure for anything fancy. These … Read more

3 Things People Who Love & Accept Their Bodies Know About Fitness (That The Rest Of Us Don’t)

How many people do you know who have set a goal to get fit, eat right, or lose weight… but fail? We all know someone, and chances are we’ve been that person ourselves at some point. Many of us want better health and wellness, so we can feel good in and with our bodies. This … Read more

How to be the best possible friend to someone struggling with mental health – National |

Now more than ever, mental health awareness and support is so important. It’s not just about keeping a pulse on your own personal mental health, but about taking the time to check in and be there for others who might be struggling as well. But what does it really mean to “support” someone dealing with … Read more