So many benefits of kissing that you will be surprised, see for yourself in the video

Benefits Of Kiss: Kissing partner burns calories! On hearing this, any person would say with a long smile, stop doing all this nonsense. So sir, this is not a nonsense thing, but it has come to the fore in research. According to research, kissing is not only beneficial for your relationship but also for your … Read more

Life gets derailed again and again, so make these habits your partner

How To Start Day: We all want our life to be managed and smooth, but this happens to very few people. Most of the people avoid taking the responsibility of this situation by blaming their luck and circumstances and are not able to put enough effort to get the things in life which they aspire … Read more

This mental illness that creates suspicion on the partner destroys the house, treatment is possible

Schizophrenia Spoils Your Love Life: Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disease. The person suffering from this lives more in the imaginary world. Fantasies dominate his mind all the time and he considers these fantasies to be true. Gradually, this disease takes a serious form and the person is surrounded by behavioral problems. Schizophrenia is one … Read more

How is Relationship Anxiety, why the partner does not trust, how to stay positive in the meantime, Psychologist Aruba Kabir is telling. Health Mantra

Updated : 01 Sep 2022 08:39 PM (IST) Sometimes bad past life experiences start ruining your current relationship. Being afraid of your partner is normal, but sometimes it goes on for a very long time. Lack of trust, inferiority complex, fear of being left out, questions of compatibility, inability to understand feelings become a daily … Read more

Be careful in romance for so many days of delivery, avoid being physical

Tips For Health: Often married couples are confused about how many days during pregnancy and after delivery they can start their married life again. Sometimes due to hesitation, he keeps this question in his mind. Even talking to the doctor feels uncomfortable. If you also have such questions in your mind, then in this article … Read more

Relationship Tips: By adopting these tips, you can bring your partner emotionally closer

Relationship Tips: If you are slowly losing your closeness with your partner, then it is going to be alert for you, otherwise it will not be too late. Yes, it is important that you try to bring back the same attachment with your partner that was in the beginning of your relationship. By adopting these … Read more