To what extent is the pigeon, symbol of peace and simplicity, dangerous for your health? Know how dangerous it is

To what extent is the pigeon, symbol of peace and simplicity, dangerous for your health? Know how dangerous it is

Diseases caused by pigeons : Do you know that pigeons, a symbol of peace and simplicity, are dangerous for human health. As a result, many diseases can spread. Otherwise, be careful. In fact, this beautiful bird can seriously harm health. It is with this in mind that a few months ago, the Municipal Corporation of … Read more

These people should not eat pigeon pea, are you also making this mistake?

These people should not eat pigeon pea, are you also making this mistake?

Arhar Dal Side Effects : It seems dishonest to imagine home food without Arhar Dal. Many people like Arhar Dal. If there is no tur dal in the food plate, then the food seems incomplete. Arhar dal is also beneficial for health because it contains a good amount of protein which takes care of the health … Read more