Is there a risk of infection from swimming during your period? Know what the truth is

Is there a risk of infection from swimming during your period? Know what the truth is

Have you been told it’s not safe to swim during your period? If so, you have received incorrect information. Swimming is perfect for you during your period. During your period, you can do almost anything you do during the rest of the month. And yes, that includes every activity from swimming to sex. Your best … Read more

Can’t children under the age of two use the pool?

Can’t children under the age of two use the pool?

Swimming age for babies: Today on the Internet we see little children swimming in water. It is surprising to see how well these children are performing at such a young age. Seeing them, you too would certainly want to teach your child to swim. There is no doubt that swimming not only increases a child’s … Read more

गर्मी में जिम जाकर पसीना बहाने का नहीं है मन, तो बेफिक्र होकर पूल में कीजिए फन

गर्मी में जिम जाकर पसीना बहाने का नहीं है मन, तो बेफिक्र होकर पूल में कीजिए फन

Pool Exercises: गर्मी के मौसम में जब जमकर पसीना आता है तो जिम जाना भी भारी लगने लगता है. एक तो उमस ऊपर से जिम का वर्कआउट, ऐसे में ज्यादा पसीना और थकान से लोग हलकान हो उठते हैं. ऐसे मौसम में अगर आपको सेहत को दुरुस्त रखना है तो आप जिम की बजाय पूल एक्सरसाइज … Read more