What is Multiple Cardiac Arrests… which took the life of Bengali actress

What is Multiple Cardiac Arrests… which took the life of Bengali actress

HEART ATTACK: In the last two years, many celebrities have died due to heart attack. Some actors had Sudden Cardiac Arrest and were declared dead by the doctor on reaching the hospital. There is a news from West Bengal. Bengali actress Aindrila Sharma died due to multiple cardiac arrest. The Bengali actress defeated Cancer twice. … Read more

If cardiac arrest comes, life can be saved in just 5 minutes, know what you have to do

If cardiac arrest comes, life can be saved in just 5 minutes, know what you have to do

Sudden Cardiac Arrest: People sometimes think of heart attack and cardiac arrest as the same, but doctors say that there is a lot of difference between the two. Cardiac arrest and heart attack are two different things. Cases of sudden cardiac arrest are increasing in India, but the disturbing thing is that people are not … Read more