ठंड में हाथ-पैर सूजने के साथ-साथ नीले या पीले होने लगे हैं? ऐसे करें ठीक

ठंड में हाथ-पैर सूजने के साथ-साथ नीले या पीले होने लगे हैं? ऐसे करें ठीक

<p style="text-align: justify;">सर्दियों में कई ऐसे लोग हैं जिनके हाथ-पैर में सूजन होने लगती है. या हाथ-पैर की उंगलियां लाल होने लगते हैं. ऐसे में सबसे अच्छा और घरेलू उपाय होता है लहसुन का इस्तेमाल. लहसुन में एंटीइंफ्लेमेटरी गुण होते हैं. जिससे दर्द और सूजन में राहत मिलता है. जनवरी में नॉर्थ इंडिया में खूब … Read more

Red aloe vera is a treasure of health, from periods to diabetes can be treated

Red aloe vera is a treasure of health, from periods to diabetes can be treated

Red Aloevera: Aloe vera is such a plant which has so many qualities in it, from health related complaints to skin related complaints, it gives many benefits. Aloe vera has so many benefits that we will get tired of writing and you will get tired of reading. We all know about green aloe vera. But … Read more

Red or green, who is healthier among the two, know

Red or green, who is healthier among the two, know

Green Or Red Apple: There is a famous proverb about apple which we all must have heard or read since childhood. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. The meaning of the proverb is that if you eat an apple daily, then the doctor stays away from diseases. The reason for this is that … Read more

You might not have heard these benefits of red wine before

You might not have heard these benefits of red wine before

Health Benefits Of Red Wine: The first thing that comes to mind on hearing the name of wine is that it is not good for health. But when it comes to red wine, it would be appropriate to change this thought a bit. Let us tell you that red wine is made using dark colored … Read more

Troubled by arthritis, avoid red meat, avoid these food items

Troubled by arthritis, avoid red meat, avoid these food items

Avoid These Food In Arthritis : Arthritis is a problem related to joints, in which there is swelling, pain and difficulty in walking. Osteoarthritis is a normal problem which increases with time. 40 percent of men and 47 percent of women can be affected by this disease. Diet is important in controlling arthritis. Its symptoms … Read more

This serious disease knocked, if you see red spots on the body then be careful

This serious disease knocked, if you see red spots on the body then be careful

Measles Outbreak in Mumbai: After Dengue, now this serious disease has knocked in Mumbai., This disease has given sleepless night to the people of Mumbai. Actually, we are talking about a serious disease like measles. Which has created panic in the country after dengue. In view of the outbreak of measles in Mumbai, the central … Read more

Red, green and yellow, know which apple the body gets by eating

Red, green and yellow, know which apple the body gets by eating

Difference Between Red, Yellow And Green Apple: Apple is one of the most liked fruits. People of all ages consume this fruit and it is one of the few fruits that children do not have to persuade a lot to eat and they happily eat it. Although most people prefer to eat only red colored … Read more