ज्यादा नॉनवेज खाने से हो सकती है लिवर-किडनी की यह गंभीर बीमारी?

Health Tips: ज्यादा नॉनवेज खाने से हो सकती है लिवर-किडनी की यह गंभीर बीमारी? Source link

रेड मीट ज्यादा खाने से हड्डियां और शरीर में हो सकती है गड़बड़ी, स्टडी में हुआ खुलासा

एक नए रिसर्च में पता चला है कि मटर और फावा बीन्स जैसी फलियां ज्यादा से ज्यादा खाना चाहिए.  वहीं दूसरी तरफ रेड मीट कम खाना चाहिए क्योंकि यह हड्डियों और शरीर के प्रोटीन के लिए ठीक नहीं  है. हेलसिंकी विश्वविद्यालय के एक मटर और फावा बीन रिसर्च के मुताबिक  खाद्य उत्पादों के साथ रेड … Read more

अमेरिका का सिरदर्द बना ये छोटा सा कीड़ा, फैला रहा अजीब सी बीमारी, क्या भारत में भी बढ़ सकता है

Red Meat Allergy : अमेरिका में कीड़ा काटने से एक बीमारी तेजी से फैल रही है. इसका नाम रेड मीट एलर्जी है. लोन स्टार टिक नाम के एक तरह के कीड़े के काटने से ये बीमारी फैल रही है. जिसका साइंटिफिक नाम एम्ब्लिओमा एमेरिकानम है. इस कीड़े के काटने के बाद अगर कोई शख्स मीट खाता … Read more

Too much salt in food can make stone victim

Kidney Stone Symptoms: There is a need to keep the human body very well. In such a situation, if you follow an unhealthy lifestyle even a little, then some serious disease can catch you. One of these diseases is stone disease in the stomach. Pain and swelling starts in the joint due to stones. If … Read more

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause this dangerous disease in the mouth

Lingual Paresthesia Symptoms: Vitamins are very important for health and strength of the body. It is very helpful in mental development along with physical development. But if there is a deficiency of Vitamin B12, then many types of diseases start happening. Deficiency of this vitamin can also cause a disease like Lingual Paresthesia in the … Read more

Study linking deaths to red meat ‘appears implausible’ and ‘lacks transparency’

In 2020, it was published in the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) 2019 the lancet​. According to their findings, a “substantial” increase in diet-related burden was observed, which the authors associated with red meat intake. In the 2017 GBD analysis, 25,000 deaths and 1.3 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) were attributed to diets high … Read more

Worst Foods For Liver: 5 Foods That Are Harming Your Liver Health

The liver, which is the production center of the human body, when it is filled with toxins it affects the metabolic processes in the body and creates many health problems. The liver is an organ of the digestive system, located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen in humans, below the diaphragm. Its function … Read more

Fitness watch: Want to live longer? Get your diet right

Everyone wants to live longer. And we’re often told that the key to doing this is choosing healthier lifestyles, like exercising, avoiding smoking, and not drinking too much alcohol. Studies have also shown that diet can increase shelf life. TO new study has found that eating healthier could extend life expectancy by six to seven … Read more