Not only by saying “I love you”, you can also express your love in this way, your relationship will become stronger.

Relationship Tips: Not only by saying “I love you”, you can also express your love in this way, the relationship will become stronger. Source link

पैसा, पॉवर या एक्सरसाइज नहीं खुशहाल जिंदगी और लंबी उम्र के लिए जरूरी है ये चीज- स्टडी

Relationship : लंबी और खुशहाल जिंदगी के लिए लोग क्या-क्या नहीं करते हैं. अंदर से खुश रहने पर ये दुनिया काफी खूबसूरत नजर आती है लेकिन अगर मन प्रसन्न नहीं है तो यही जिंदगी बोझ सी बनती जा ती है. आज ज्यादातर लोगों का मानना है कि खुशहाल जिंदगी के लिए पैसा, करियर, अच्छी हेल्थ की … Read more

Every person living in a relationship should know these 5 things…. Long term relationship will work

Healthy Relationship Sign: If every person in the world lives in a relationship, then he wants to keep his relationship healthy, but there are many people who do not recognize good and bad, just get tied up in any relationship, but let us tell you that every relationship There is a yardstick to measure, in … Read more

Are you also in a relationship with a psychopath boyfriend?

Shraddha Murder Case: The Shraddha murder case has shaken the entire nation. It is being discussed everywhere that two loving people can do something like this with each other? Hardly anyone’s faith in love will be established after this case comes to the fore. Now the question is, what would have happened that Aftab cut … Read more

Parenting tips: 5 tips to help boost your child’s mental health

Manager kids and trying to help them become well-rounded adults is not an easy task and although most fathers care about the physical well-being of their children by taking them to the pediatrician, providing them with nutritious meals and helping them with their homework, their mental health Health is often ignored! While children are guilty … Read more

What is the relationship between Khosta-2 and Kovid-19, why are scientists warning

Khosta-2 Virus connection with Covid-19: Sometimes in the form of SARS, sometimes Mars and sometimes in the form of Kovid-19, the viruses of the Corona family have been scaring the world at different times. Now another virus of this family has come to the fore, the name is Khosta-2. Experts first came to know about … Read more

Wellness tips: Here’s how employers can cater to employees’ physical, mental and emotional well-being

Today’s companies keep people at the center and prioritize mental health. Health persistently striving to improve work-life balance, fostering wellness and promoting a positive work culture. This is contrary to the times before COVID-19, when mental health was sidelined for years and deprived of the attention it deserved due to social norms and stigmas. In … Read more

How is Relationship Anxiety, why the partner does not trust, how to stay positive in the meantime, Psychologist Aruba Kabir is telling. Health Mantra

Updated : 01 Sep 2022 08:39 PM (IST) Sometimes bad past life experiences start ruining your current relationship. Being afraid of your partner is normal, but sometimes it goes on for a very long time. Lack of trust, inferiority complex, fear of being left out, questions of compatibility, inability to understand feelings become a daily … Read more